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 GSA Professional                                                    GSA TODAY |

Be Heard & Be Interesting

Science communication strategies for interacting

with the public, policy makers, and social media

  Sat., 31 Oct. 2015, 8 a.m.–noon. Professionals: US$35; students:
US$25; includes continental breakfast. Limit: 30. Sign up on your
meeting registration form or call GSA Sales and Service, +1-800-
443-4472, to add the workshop.

  Have you ever struggled to explain your research to a friend?
Would you like to be able to tell your Senator your views on
policy? Are you interested in having a presence on Twitter but are
not sure how? Learn from experts and each other as you hone
your public communication and outreach skills, and practice in a
safe and comfortable setting.

  You will leave knowing how to create clear and concise
messages that are targeted to your audience and how to prepare
for a media interview. You will learn strategies for using social
media, identify opportunities for interacting with lay publics in
your community, and gain an understanding of how to approach
policy makers on scientific issues.

  Communication skills are key to a successful career and impor-
tant in all aspects of life. Give yours the attention they deserve.


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