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                      GSA DIVISION AWARDS

                      ■	 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS                               ■	 MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,
                                                                                            AND VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV)
                      Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Award
                                                                                        MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award
                      Proposals due 10 June
                                                                                        Nominations due 15 July
                        The Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research
                      Award Fund promotes research combining structural geology           This award goes to an individual who, throughout his or her
                      and diagenesis, and curriculum development in structural          career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of
                      diagenesis. The donors believe multidisciplinary approaches       the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry,
                      often reveal new insights into long-standing problems and         petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary,
                      expose productive avenues for enquiry. To help promote the        field-based contributions. Submit nominations to J. Alex Speer,
                      cross-disciplinary emphasis of this annual award, the             Mineralogical Society of America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy,
                      Sedimentary Geology and Structural Geology & Tectonics            Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA;
                      Divisions have been designated to jointly select the recipient.   For more information, go to
                      Graduate students, postgraduate and faculty-level researchers     mgpv/awards.htm.
                      are eligible. For more information, go to http://rock.geosociety
                      .org/sgt/Laubach.htm.                                             MGPV Early Career Award

                      ■	 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY                              Nominations due 15 July

                      History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award                     This award will go to an individual near the beginning of his
                                                                                        or her professional career who has made distinguished contribu-
                      Nominations due 15 June                                           tions in one or more of the following fields of research: miner-
                                                                                        alogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology, with
                        This award in the amount of US$1,000 recognizes excellence      emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions.
                      in a student paper to be given at the national GSA meeting; oral  Nominations are restricted to those who are within eight years
                      presentations are preferred. Students should submit an abstract   past the award of their final degree. Extensions of up to two
                      of their proposed talk and a 1,500–2,000-word prospectus for      years will be made for nominees who have taken career breaks
                      consideration. The proposed paper may be                          for family reasons or because of serious illness. Submit
                      (1) on the history or philosophy of geology; or (2) a literature  nominations to J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of America,
                      review of ideas for a technical work or thesis/dissertation; or   3635 Concorde Pkwy, Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA;
                      (3) some imaginative aspect of the history or philosophy of For more information, go to
                      geology we have not thought of before. Submit nominations to
                      Kathleen Lohff at For more information,
                      go to

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015     New Publication Calendar
                         for GSA Today

                                   GSA Today is published 11 times per year, and this won’t change.
                                But beginning this year, March and April are combined, and the
                                May issue will stand on its own (not combined with April as in the past).
                                GSA Today is making this change in order to provide more, and more
                                up-to-date, information to you about GSA's Annual Meetings.

                                                                  GSA Today is hosted and archived online at


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