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Kerry Kelts Award

Application deadline: 31 July, 12 a.m. EST

  Applications are invited for the Kerry Kelts Research Awards
of the GSA Limnogeology Division. This year, one award of
US$1,000 for undergraduate or graduate student research related
to limnogeology, limnology, or paleolimnology is available.

  Prepare your application as a PDF (or PDFs) with your last
name in all file names. The application file should contain a
research summary and a short CV (two pages max.). The research
summary must include a description of the proposed research, its
limnogeological significance, why the award funds are needed for
the project, and a brief description of the student’s other funding
sources. Be sure to include a title. The maximum length for the
summary is five pages, including figures and captions; the list of
references cited is not included in this limit. Send your application
to Division Chair Joop Varekamp,
Please include “Kelts Award application” in the subject line.

  GSA and the Limnogeology Division hope to increase the
number of Kelts awards, named for visionary limnogeologist
and inspiring teacher Kerry Kelts, in the future. If you can
help support this award, please send your donation, labeled
“Kerry Kelts Research Awards of the Limnogeology Division,”
to GSA at P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA.

                  4th                                                       News about                                                               GSA TODAY |
                  International                                           GSA Members
                  Event                                                  GSA Fellow Patricia H. Kelley of the University of North
                                                                       Carolina, Wilmington, has been selected to receive one of
When: 	 Sat., 19 Sept. 2015                                            four U.S. Professors of the Year awards. Sponsored by the
                                                                       Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and
Where: 	 Rammelsberg World Heritage Museum                             administered by the Council for Advancement and Support
           and Visitor Mine, Goslar, Germany                           of Education (CASE), the awards recognize professors for
                                                                       their excellence in undergraduate teaching and mentoring.
   EarthCaching gets people out in the field to learn about their
planet first-hand. Participants in this annual event will learn all      The Association of American State Geologists (AASG) has
about EarthCaching, interact with EarthCachers from around             recognized GSA Fellow P. Patrick Leahy with its prestigious
the globe, meet EarthCache developers and reviewers, find local        Pick and Gavel Award. This award was initiated by AASG in
EarthCaches, and engage in many other exciting and educational         1999 to recognize distinguished friends of geology who have
activities. The 2015 event, in the beautiful Harz Mountains of         made major contributions to advancing or facilitating the
north-central Germany, will be the first International EarthCache      role that geoscience plays in society.
Event outside of North America. For details, go to www, visit our Facebook page at                                                                                      53
earthcache, or contact Gary Lewis at

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