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Geology—Past & Future


                      Editor’s note: The following is the ninth installment of our encore presentation of articles that highlighted the 10th anniversary
                         of the first issue of Geology, as published in Geology in Dec. 1983 [v. 11, no. 12, p. 679–691, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1983)11

                       <679:GAF>2.0.CO;2]. Each section was written by a different author (author affiliation notations are as originally published
                         in 1983). See the August 2013 GSA Today (v. 23, no. 8, p. 18–19) for the first installment and table of contents. In this issue:
                                       article 18: “Igneous rocks,” by Alexander R. McBirney; and article 19: “Tectonics,” by E.M. Moores.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  Igneous rocks                                                         plume, “gravitational anchor,” or “emulp” (plume spelled back-
                                                                                            wards) has plummeted from sight. Few question the time-distance
                      Alexander R. McBirney, Department of Geology, University of           relations in island chains, but does anyone have a convincing
                      Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403                                          explanation of what is going on?

                        Ten years ago, two topics dominated the published work on             Ten years ago, it seemed patently obvious that andesites are
                      igneous rocks: lunar magmatism and plate tectonics. Whether           primary magmas generated in Benioff zones by melting of
                      these were the most important issues or not, they certainly           subducted sediments. Today, most would agree that the dominant
                      accounted for the largest number of papers and the greatest           magma of arcs is basaltic; evidence that subducted sediments
                      expenditures of time and money. Whatever one’s stand on               contribute anything to calc-alkaline magmas is at best ambig-
                      magma oceans or the europium content of KREEP, all would              uous. Indeed, it would be hard to find a consensus that sediments
                      agree that the impact of the lunar program on petrology was           are even subducted.
                      profound. It set new standards of research and led to vastly
                      improved analytical and experimental techniques. In 1973 plate          If our mission in 1973 was to relate igneous rocks to plate
                      tectonics was the “unifying theory” to which we sought to relate      tectonics, trace-element geochemistry was the means by which we
                      all magmatic processes. Given the fervor of the times, disillusion    aimed to do this. Geochemists in search of the magic component
                      was inevitable. All exciting new ideas, once they are fashionable,    turned first to more and more obscure elements and then to
                      are doomed to become old-fashioned. So it is still too early to       isotopes of those elements, and in time they came upon
                      expect an objective appraisal. Nevertheless, it is worth consid-      samarium-neodymium, which is said to be the most important
                      ering what has happened to our views of igneous activity in each      new tool of the decade.
                      of the major tectonic settings—spreading axes, subduction
                      zones, and intraplate “hot spots.”                                      The potentialities of the system are indeed impressive. I wonder,
                                                                                            though, whether these tools of geochemistry may not have
                        Thanks to refined geological and geophysical surveys of the         outstripped our understanding of the physical processes to which
                      deep oceanic ridges, detailed geochemical and petrologic studies      we apply them. How many times in the past decade have we seen
                      of ophiolites, and core samples of the deep ocean floor, we have an   highly sophisticated and costly analytical work interpreted in
                      elegantly documented model for magma chambers under ocean             terms of absurdly inadequate physical models of magmatic
                      ridges. But geophysicists tell us they find no seismic evidence that  evolution?
                      these magma chambers exist. Try as they will, they simply cannot
                      find them!                                                              The increasing awareness of this deficiency one finds in current
                                                                                            literature makes the task of forecasting the direction of research
                        The mantle plumes that in 1973 were proliferating at such an        for the coming decade an easy one. When the next review of this
                      astonishing rate have since been decimated. The descending            kind is written, igneous geologists will be as concerned with heat
                                                                                            and mass transfer as they are today with REE plots. As a result, I
                                                                                            predict that our present confusion about igneous rocks will rise to
                                                                                            undreamed-of levels of sophistication.

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