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GSA’s Journal for Applied Geology Marks Its
20th Year of Publication
GSA TODAY | MAY 2015 Jerome V. De Graff, Chair, E&EG Editorial Board articles dealing with what might be termed “applied geology.”
Under this joint arrangement, the journal is published quarterly
Environmental and Engineering Geoscience has marked its and co-edited with one editor appointed by each organization.
twentieth year by adding a new feature: electronic Dr. Ira Sasowsky recently completed nine years of exemplary
pre-publication. This feature enables an accepted and press- service as GSA’s appointed editor. He was succeeded by Dr. Brian
ready manuscript to be cited through a digital object identifier Katz (see p. 61) in January 2015.
(DOI). Environmental
and Engineering Environmental and
Geoscience, like other Engineering
GSA journals, is Geoscience provides a
distributed through venue for original
GeoScienceWorld research and case
(GSW). Manuscripts studies on
that have been assigned environmental
DOI numbers are geology, engineering
found on the GSW geology, geotechnical
webpage for engineering,
Environmental and geomorphology,
Engineering Geoscience low-temperature
under the heading geochemistry, applied
“Online First” hydrogeology, and
at http://eeg near-surface processes. The GSW
webpage provides a
The GSW webpage listing of the 50 most
for Environmental and viewed and most
Engineering Geoscience cited papers from the
provides a table of journal, updated
contents of the current monthly. In March
issue with abstracts for 2015, the leading
each article. Links 10 articles under the
accessing articles are most-cited category
provided in the table of include ones on
contents for subscribers and with payment options for landslide classification, vadose phase transport, bedrock and
non-subscribers. Past issues are available through the archive, structural controls on slope stability, debris flow generation,
where articles of interest can be by found by browsing contents and geotechnical characteristics of sandstones. These topics
or using an online search function. Another new feature is the illustrate the success of the journal in serving the scientific
inclusion of archived digital versions of the Bulletin of the and technical needs of environmental and engineering geology
Association of Engineering Geologists from 1976 through 1994. professionals. Also notable is the selection of journal articles
Environmental and Engineering Geoscience is a reorientation of for receipt of GSA’s E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award in 2004 and 2010.,
the Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologist and
replaced it as the Association of Environmental & Engineering Interested authors can find instructions at http://eeg
Geologists’ primary journal. for preparing submissions.
The instructions are available without registering on the site by
The Geological Society of America (GSA) and the Association using the “author instructions” link at the top of the left-hand
of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) jointly column on that page. EEG is a traditional journal without an
launched Environmental and Engineering Geoscience in February open access option; however, there are no page charges for
1995. It is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed, quality accepted articles or for the use of color illustrations. Go to