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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities earth science information and research relevant to
natural resources, environmental quality, economic
Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR vitality, and public safety. The University is a land-
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the IN IGNEOUS PETROLOGY/GEOCHEMISTRY grant institution that provides access to world-class
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@ laboratory and academic facilities, Big Ten athletic, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL events, and internationally acclaimed cultural
All correspondence must include complete contact informa- SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, opportunities.
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO
count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and The Department of Geological Sciences and Engi- We are seeking an individual to provide leader-
spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface neering at the University of Nevada, Reno, seeks an ship, clear scientific vision, and direction to the
type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars. earth scientist for a tenure-track faculty position at subdisciplines and staff members that comprise the
the Assistant Professor level in high-temperature Advanced Energy Technology Initiative (AETI) at
Classification Per Line for Per line each earth processes. We seek an outstanding scientist the ISGS. The leadership skills of the individual will
Positions Open 1st month addt’l month who combines field, laboratory and modeling inves- encourage multidisciplinary, project-based research
Fellowship Opportunities tigations and will establish an innovative, world- within AETI and throughout ISGS, other Surveys,
Opportunities for Students $ 9.15 (same ad) class, externally funded research program in the and University related to energy issues; develop,
$ 9.15 $8.90 petrological and/or geochemical evolution of Earth’s implement, and administer research and service
First 25 lines $8.90 crust and/or mantle. The applicant will be expected programs of the AETI; and facilitate coordination,
Additional lines $0.00 to direct graduate student research at the M.S. and communication, and teamwork throughout the PRI
$5.00 $5.00 Ph.D. levels and contribute to both undergraduate and the University. As the Director of AETI, the indi-
$5.00 and graduate education. The specific field of interest vidual will promote AETI services and capabilities
is open, but preference will be given to candidates to a variety of stakeholders including government
Positions Open who would complement and interact with our funding agencies, corporations, and legislative repre-
existing strengths in the structural and metamor- sentatives. The individual will continue to maintain
GSA TODAY | MAY 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities LAB INSTRUCTOR phic evolution of the lithosphere, economic geology, AETI’s domestic and international reputation as a
OF GEOLOGY geothermal systems, and natural hazards. Inter- global leader in addressing energy issues.
ested applicants must have a doctorate in geology
THE UNIVERSITY OF or a related geoscience field by the time of hire. The Ph.D. in geological science, engineering, or
TENNESSEE AT MARTIN Department is part of the Mackay School of Earth related discipline with career emphasis related to
Full-time, 1 year term position starting 1 Aug. 2015. Sciences and Engineering, which also includes two energy resources and 15 years of combined research
Required: M.S. in geology or a related field from state-funded Earth Science units, the Nevada Bureau and managerial experience beyond the completion
an accredited university by 1 Aug. 2015. Primary of Mines and Geology and the Nevada Seismological of master’s degree. Demonstrated vision, capability,
teaching duties include lab instruction for intro- Laboratory. More information about the Depart- and experience to address challenges facing society
level physical and environmental geology. Under- ment can be found at related to the advanced energy fields, such as carbon
graduate-level lab teaching experience preferred. Applications are due by August 15th, 2015, capture and storage, mitigation of fossil fuel emis-
Applicants should be able to communicate and teach and review will begin shortly after. All interested sions, water for energy resource development and
effectively in English. For more information, contact applicants should view the application and submit power generation, public engagement and education
Dr. Stan Dunagan at Review their materials at: on energy issues, unconventional oil and natural gas
of applications will begin 1 April 2015 and continue postings/17132 resource assessment, natural gas geologic storage,
until a suitable candidate is found. Materials that will need to be uploaded include and enhanced oil recovery.
a cover letter, CV, statement of research, statement
8-MONTH TERM INSTRUCTOR POSITION of teaching philosophy, and complete contact infor- Applications must be received by May 15, 2015.
DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES mation for at least three letters of reference. We Applicants may be interviewed before the closing
UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK are hoping to fill the position by January 1st, 2016. date; however, no hiring decision will be made until
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Questions regarding the search may be addressed after that date. To apply, please visit https://jobs.illi- to the head of the search committee, Dr. Stacia to complete an online
COMPETITION: #14-30 Gordon, at The University of profile and to upload a (1) cover letter, (2) résumé/
Nevada, Reno is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative CV, and (3) the names and contact information
Applications are invited for a full-time eight-month Action Employer. Women and underrepresented (including e-mail addresses) of three professional
term position as Instructor in the Department of groups are encouraged to apply. references. All requested information/documenta-
Earth Sciences at the University of New Brunswick tion must be submitted for your application to be
to commence 1 September 2015. We seek a candi- DIRECTOR considered. An incomplete application will not be
date with expertise in structural geology to teach ADVANCED ENERGY TECHNOLOGY reviewed.
courses at the second, third, and fourth-year levels.
Evidence of or demonstrated potential for excellence INITIATIVE, ILLINOIS STATE For further information please contact Lori
in teaching is required. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Walston-Vonderharr, Human Resources, Illinois
State Geological Survey, at or
The successful candidate must have a minimum PRAIRIE RESEARCH INSTITUTE +1-217-244-2401.
of an M.Sc. and preferably hold a Ph.D. in earth UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS
sciences or geological engineering. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN The University of Illinois is an EEO Employer/
Review of applications will begin immediately The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) is part
and continue until a suitable candidate is found. of the Prairie Research Institute (PRI; http://www. at the University of Illinois
This position is subject to final budgetary at Urbana–Champaign which is centrally located
approval. between Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis.
PRI houses five large scientific surveys covering a
A letter of application including CV, statement wide range of expertise including biology, water
of teaching interests and philosophy and the names resources, climate, geology, sustainable technology
of three referees should be sent to Dr. Cliff Shaw, and archaeology. The ISGS (http://www.isgs.illinois.
Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, University of edu/) is a premier state geological survey, with over
New Brunswick, 2 Bailey Drive, Fredericton, NB, 200 scientists and technical support staff, serving the
E3B 5A3, needs of the public, government, and industry with
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply;
however, Canadians and permanent residents will
be given priority. Applicants should indicate current
citizenship status.