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(Hess et al., 2011). If appropriate, you can enhance your title and     PREPARING TO PRESENT THE POSTER                                         GSA TODAY |
make it visible to a broad spectrum of people by using
keywords that link your work to major issues or debates in              Practice
your field of geoscience.
                                                                          Always rehearse the “walk-through presentation”—your
Formulate Your Poster Storyline                                         2–3-minute oral presentation of your poster—with your peers
                                                                        and colleagues. Rehearsal will immensely improve your delivery
  Before starting poster design and construction, you should            at the conference. Get and incorporate feedback from your peers
formulate your storyline with the “give and receive” opportunity        and colleagues. You are likely to give this walk-through many
in mind. For example, include data and findings that you want to        times during your session; deliver it with enthusiasm every time.
discuss because they either support your ideas or perplex you.
Although guidelines may vary by meeting, an organized poster in         Provide Handouts
the geosciences usually follows the format of a scientific paper:
introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, refer-           Bring “mini-posters”—letter-sized versions of your poster.
ences, and acknowledgments. Again, remember to anticipate your          Make sure your poster content is still legible in this smaller
audience. Make your presentation relevant and tangible to this          format. If it is not, your text and figures are probably too small on
group of people. For example, if you know that the session audi-        your full-size poster. Make these mini-posters available by your
ence will be less quantitatively oriented, you should use model         poster and carry some with you so that you can hand them out at
schematics instead of systems of equations.                             opportune times. If applicable, it also helps to have supporting
                                                                        materials on the back of your mini-poster (e.g., additional figures,
MAKING THE POSTER                                                       equations, or a list of your related publications). These mini-
                                                                        poster handouts also serve as valuable reminders for people to
Follow the Guidelines                                                   follow up with you.

  Always know the conference regulations and obey them. Pay             PROMOTING AND PRESENTING YOUR POSTER
particular attention to allowable dimensions, because they vary
between GSA, AGU, and EGU. This easily avoidable mistake is prob-       Self-Promote and Be Outgoing
ably one of the most frequently made. You do not want to show up
and realize your poster is intruding on your neighbor’s space.            Enlist help from peers, colleagues, and advisors to send folks
                                                                        your way before and during your session. Coordinate with
Use Appropriate Formatting                                              colleagues who present before you to advertise your poster during
                                                                        their poster or oral presentation—and then do the same for those
  The layout and formatting of your poster content is immensely         presenting after you. Most people wait for you to engage them at
important. You must obey guidelines for the inclusion and style of      your poster, so be outgoing and welcoming. An easy first step to
text and figures (e.g., amount of text, minimum font sizes, figure      engaging someone is to smile and make eye contact. You do not
resolution, visualization design, and color selection). This topic is   want to spend many hours standing alone, especially after you
discussed thoroughly in other resources (see these open-access          have invested the time and money to attend the conference.
references: Miller et al., 2002; Faulkes, 2011; Hess et al., 2011;      Science is fundamentally about sharing ideas, and these social
Purrington, 2011). Use these resources to avoid the cardinal sins       interactions are necessary for advancing science.
of poster design and formatting (e.g., fonts and figures that are too
small). In general, less is more when it comes to posters, especially   Hook Your Audience
for text. The most effective posters contain only the most funda-
mental and interesting material from the study (Hess et al., 2011).       When new audience members arrive, introduce yourself with
Your poster does not need to contain all the details, because you       your affiliation. Make sure to note their names and briefly learn
will be at the poster to enhance the presentation.                      about their research. Ask them if they would like the “walk-through”
                                                                        or have questions. Connect your research to the interests of the audi-
Create a “Brand” That is Memorable and Visually Appealing               ence quickly so as to “hook” them. During your walk-through,
                                                                        always start broad and work toward specifics, while gauging your
  Keep an eye out for engaging and inspiring designs—you do             audience’s level of knowledge on the topic and adjusting your presen-
not have to reinvent the wheel, but you do want to find a func-         tation accordingly. It helps to bookend your brief presentation with
tional, reproducible design that can become your “brand.” There         the motivation for the study, because that is likely the common
are effective and ineffective posters all around you (e.g., in your     scientific thread between you and your audience.
institution’s hallways), so learn from these examples and Web
resources (e.g., Faulkes, 2011, Hess et al., 2011, Purrington, 2011).   Maintain an Audience
Rather than copy a specific format, pick and choose pieces of
style and design that appeal to you, while avoiding common                Be interactive with your audience and use questions and
design pitfalls.                                                        frequent eye contact. Continually check in with your audience
                                                                        and make sure they are still engaged. This is very important,
Get Coauthor Support                                                    because a poster with an interested audience will draw other
                                                                        curious attendees from the crowd and give your science more
  Make sure all of your coauthors review and approve your poster        exposure. Be prepared to take notes on feedback and names, but
prior to printing. Build this step into your schedule so that there is  do this during your breaks so you do not disrupt the flow of your
time to include their valuable input.                                   presentation or interactions with your audience. As you part ways

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