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Strategies for Creating a Conspicuous, Effective, and
                      Memorable Poster Presentation

                      Jay P. Zarnetske, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Michigan State
                      University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA,
            ; Phoebe L. Zarnetske, Dept. of Forestry, Michigan
                      State University, 480 Wilson Road, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  INTRODUCTION                                                          Figure 1. Number of recent poster presentations for three major geoscience
                                                                                            conferences: GSA Annual Meeting, AGU Fall Meeting, and EGU General
                        Many of the major geoscience conferences are experiencing           Assembly. Data provided by GSA, AGU, and EGU.
                      increased attendance, making it impossible to feature all oral
                      presentations. Hence, the number and value of poster presentations    greatly benefit your research and career. Thus, posters deserve
                      are on the rise. For example, during the past 10 years, posters       much respect and care in their creation and delivery, and should
                      consistently comprised ~66% of the presentations at the American      not be considered second-class presentations.
                      Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, but overall poster
                      numbers grew rapidly and now represent thousands of presentations     PREPARING TO CREATE THE POSTER
                      each day (Fig. 1). Similarly, the European Geosciences Union (EGU)    Choose a Meeting Session Carefully
                      General Assembly is now made up of 66% poster presentations, also
                      resulting in thousands of poster presentations each day. Posters at     Submit your abstract to an appropriate session by anticipating
                      the Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting comprised      the audience that you want to attend your poster. Use your knowl-
                      an average of 37% of presentations during the last decade.            edge of the topic and your network (peers, colleagues, and mentors)
                                                                                            to help you choose a session. This can be achieved by searching for
                        In light of the increasing number of posters at large geoscience    keywords and convener names in the session descriptions of
                      conferences, authors must work hard to give conspicuous, effec-       most meetings.
                      tive, and memorable poster presentations. In all the chaos of the
                      poster hall at large conferences—socializing, searching for bever-    Be Strategic in Choosing a Title
                      ages and bathrooms, and the hundreds to thousands of simulta-
                      neous presentations—you have a lot of competition for people’s          Your presentation title is very important and should be selected
                      attention. Here, we provide a “road map” of strategic steps for       carefully. Many people will decide to attend your presentation
                      presenters who want their science to stand out among the rising       based upon the title alone. Make sure your title is concise and
                      sea of posters. We also point out some key open-access resources      precise. A title that states the key findings can be a powerful draw
                      that will further improve posters when paired with these strategies.


                        Oral and poster presentations are very different formats in terms
                      of preparation, execution, and professional interaction. Oral
                      presentations provide an opportunity to disseminate well-
                      developed scientific findings or hypotheses within a short time-
                      frame (10–20 min.), followed by a brief question and answer
                      period (2–5 min.). The oral presentation format does not allow
                      much social interaction or opportunity to receive immediate
                      insights about your research from the community. On the other
                      hand, posters allow you to give and receive in-depth information
                      and feedback about your research. The poster presentation is
                      social and enables extended professional interactions that can

      GSA Today, v. 25, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/GSATG228GW.1.

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