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GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  Harry “Hap” McSween, GSA President                                     subscription. The present implementation model has this
                                                                                             occurring in a phased manner, as follows:
                                                                                                - 2017: Geology becomes open access;
                           Beginning in 2017 and phased in over the following three             - 2018: Geosphere and Lithosphere become open access; and
                        years, all GSA journals will be freely available online (i.e.,          - 2019: GSA Bulletin becomes open access.
                        open access). GSA journals will retain their high quality;
                        there will be no change in current editorial or peer-review        • 	 With implementation of open access, the page charges as well as
                        policies and procedures. The major impact of this change for         color charges for photos and illustrations that exist with printed
                        GSA will be a loss of subscription revenues that currently           journals will cease, but an article publication fee will be
                        underwrite many GSA programs. To offset these losses, a              charged.
                        publication fee will be instituted along with the designation
                        of some strategic funds to assist authors who lack resources to    • 	 For authors unable to pay this fee, GSA will develop a process
                        pay these fees. GSA leadership is reviewing all existing             for the provision of full or partial subventions from strategic
                        programs to find savings by modification or elimination of           funds or other sources.
                        non-mission–critical activities and seeking other financial
                        options for the transition. In addition, annual membership         • 	 The quality of GSA journal publications will remain as they are
                        dues will modestly increase, and Council will restrict new           now since there will be no changes in editorial policies, peer
                        strategic initiatives until the implementation process is            review procedures, or article acceptance standards.
                        completed. The GSA Foundation will increase its activity in
                        support of GSA programs.                                           • 	 The Society is actively reviewing its current business practices
                                                                                             in order to absorb the anticipated declines in journal-derived
                      INTRODUCTION                                                           revenue. This will include some changes in or elimination of
                                                                                             existing GSA programs determined to no longer to be effective
                        GSA Council in October 2014 voted to move all GSA journals           or central to GSA’s mission. In addition, annual membership
                      (GSA Bulletin, Geology, Geosphere, and Lithosphere) to open            dues will be modestly increased to offset some revenue losses.
                      access, phased in over a three-year period beginning in 2017.
                      Phasing in open access over three years will permit GSA’s profes-    • 	 Effective January 2017, all GSA journal content, including full
                      sional publications staff and editors to manage the transition         access to the journal archives, will be freely available online to
                      smoothly and to allow GSA to make the necessary financial              GSA members.
                      arrangements to accommodate the significant decline in revenues
                      now generated by journal subscriptions.                              WHY IS GSA MOVING TO OPEN ACCESS NOW?

                      WHAT IS OPEN ACCESS?                                                   The much-vaunted and anticipated digital future has arrived.
                                                                                           This now-mature technology will allow GSA to lead the scientific
                        In simplest terms, open access is publication via the internet     community in expanding the reach and impact of our science.
                      that is “digital, online, free of charge to the reader, and free of  GSA can eagerly embrace this opportunity or passively wait for it
                      most copyright and licensing restrictions” (Suber, 2013). As Suber   to be forced upon us.
                      notes, it is compatible with peer review and need not detract from
                      the quality of scientific publications.                                For 127 years, our Society has embraced the mission articulated
                                                                                           in its Constitution of 1888 to promote “the science of geology by
                      WHAT WILL HAPPEN?                                                    the issuance of scholarly publications” (Article II). In 1888, the
                                                                                           only means of accomplishing this goal was to publish traditional
                      The key elements of the Council’s decision are                       journals that would be sent to all members and housed in the
                      • 	 GSA journal articles will be immediately accessible online, by   collections of university and other research libraries across the
                                                                                           globe. Consistent with this historical role and through the dedica-
                        anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world, with no required       tion of professional staff and the unselfish commitment of editors,
                                                                                           authors, and reviewers, GSA publications are acknowledged to be
                                                                                           among the most stimulating, rigorously reviewed, and high-
                                                                                           impact sources of scientific information in the earth sciences.
                                                                                           That will not change and, in fact, the impact of these journals
                                                                                           should increase.

                                                                                             But, in 2015, the publishing paradigm is changing. The oppor-
                                                                                           tunity to publish the results of research online means that no
                                                                                           researcher anywhere in the world need be denied immediate
                                                                                           access to the latest scientific findings—and no author is prevented

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