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Moving lithospheric modeling forward: Attributes of a
                       community computer code

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2015  C.M. Cooper, Washington State University, School of the                into numerical models that are reliable, portable, and computa-
                       Environment, P.O. Box 624812, Pullman, Washington 99164-2812,          tionally efficient.
                       USA; Eric Mittelstaedt, University of Idaho, Dept. of Geological
                       Sciences, 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3022, Moscow, Idaho 83844-             Lithospheric modelers are confronted with a broad range of
                       3022, USA; Claire A. Currie, University of Alberta, Dept. of Physics,  challenges to address these drivers. Scientifically, crucial geolog-
                       Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1; Jolante van Wijk, New               ical processes lack theoretical or empirical descriptions (e.g., vari-
                       Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Dept. of Earth &            able fault dip at depth, spacing in shear bands, localization of
                       Environmental Science, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, New Mexico            deformation, and coupled deformation with melting and melt
                       87801, USA; Louise K. Kellogg, Lorraine Hwang, University of           migration). Incorporating the vast quantity of new data available
                       California Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Computational          through such initiatives as the National Science Foundation’s
                       Infrastructure for Geodynamics, 2215 Earth and Physical Sciences,      EarthScope and data compilations such as Gplates (Qin et al.,
                       One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA; and Ramon            2012) and PetDB (Lehnert et al., 2000) requires both the develop-
                       Arrowsmith, Arizona State University, School of Earth & Space          ment of new data-handling methods and an understanding of
                       Exploration, P.O. Box 876004, Tempe, Arizona 85287-6004, USA           their interrelationships. Added to these challenges are the difficul-
                                                                                              ties in implementing the numerical methods required to run the
                         We live on a planet with an active surface that is modified and      desired simulations, including modeling systems with large-
                       deformed at multiple temporal and spatial scales owing to diverse      magnitude variations in material properties occurring over short
                       processes occurring at plate boundaries and plate interiors. The       spatial scales; maintaining discrete material boundaries as the
                       processes of mid-ocean-ridge spreading, mountain building,             model evolves; and incorporating realistic fault evolution and
                       subduction of tectonic plates, mantle drag, intra-continental          faulting behavior. Lastly, extending models to three dimensions
                       deformation, earthquakes, and volcanism cross traditional disci-       increases the numerical and model complexity, an area that has
                       plinary boundaries (Fig. 1A). Understanding these lithospheric         seen limited development.
                       processes is valuable not only for intellectual curiosity and to
                       refine our working knowledge of plate tectonics, but also for            Modeling complex systems requires validation and verification
                       understanding threats to life, property, and infrastructure.           of software. Establishing and running benchmarks and test suites
                       Computer modeling and simulation are increasingly powerful             not only “proves” a code, it also provides important insight to the
                       tools that researchers employ to better understand lithospheric        researcher. Limits in parameter space and trade-offs between
                       deformation and unravel the complex feedbacks that drive the           different model specifications become better known.
                       evolution of Earth’s surface. The field is poised for a significant    Benchmarking performance helps to inform the use of computa-
                       advance to take advantage of recent expansions in computing            tional resources and to understand numerical uncertainty.
                       power, improved representation of idealized processes, increased
                       data availability, and better communication between software             The heterogeneity of the lithosphere translates to a heteroge-
                       developers and geoscientists.                                          neous approach to modeling lithospheric processes. Computational
                                                                                              approaches employed to address the key scientific interests of the
                         To move forward as a community, we must address key scien-           community tend to be based either in continuum, analytical, or
                       tific drivers motivating present and future lithospheric deforma-      discontinuous methods (Fig. 1B). Usage of these different math-
                       tion research. The scientific processes to incorporate include         ematical methods, several of which may be deployed in any one
                       melting and melt transport, strain localization and de-localiza-       code, depends on the maturity of the research area and the
                       tion, surface processes (e.g., erosion and deposition), and mantle-    specifics of the research question. Individual researchers will
                       lithosphere interaction. Understanding these requires the              often develop numerical techniques and modeling software
                       integration of results from seismic imaging, the earthquake cycle,     capable of solving specific geologic problems. While these efforts
                       plate boundary evolution, and more realistic Earth-like rheologies     often result in numerical codes that are powerful and apt for the
                                                                                              problem at hand, they often do not translate into a more universal
                                                                                              modeling tool.

                           GSA Today, v. 25, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/GSATG230GW.1.

                           E-mails: Cooper:; Mittelstaedt:; Currie:; van Wijk:; Kellogg: kellogg@
                 ; Hwang:; Arrowsmith:

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