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Open      Access at GSA

      The Geological Society of America supports a variety of open-access
      publishing options, including gold (author pays) immediate open access
      and 12-month green (repository) open access. For more information on
      publishing options and costs, visit

      To browse a list of open-access articles and book chapters, visit

      GSA Today, all book front matter, and all Geology Research Focus and
      Comment and Reply articles are available free of charge.


        Fall/Winter 2015–2016

                    Application deadline: 1 July

  The next GeoCorps America fall/winter season runs from September
2015 through May 2016. All fall/winter GeoCorps positions are now open
for applications.

  GeoCorps provides paid, short-term geoscience opportunities on public
lands managed by the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and
the Bureau of Land Management.

  All levels of geoscientists—students, educators, professionals, retirees,
and others—are encouraged to apply.

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