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Generous Gift Launches the GSA Geologic Mapping
        Award in Honor of Florence Bascom

A generous gift by Candace E. Walker, daughter                                                           About the GSA Geologic
                 of former GSA member George W. Walker                                                      Mapping Award in Honor of
                 (1921–2014), will provide significant ongoing                                               Florence Bascom
                 support for the recently established GSA Geologic
                 Mapping Award in Honor of Florence Bascom.                                                        This award recognizes distin-
The gift honors Walker’s 43-year career (1943–1986) with the                                                     guished geoscientists whose
U.S. Geological Survey. Employing a “rapid reconnaissance”*                                                      outstanding geologic mapping has
approach to mapping, Walker contributed significantly to the                                                     led to a greater understanding of
Geologic Map of Oregon, among the first produced in digital                                                     fundamental geological processes
format. “Walker’s maps remain important despite, in some cases,                                                and concepts.
nearly 50 years of progress. Subsequent detailed mapping has
improved our knowledge but has not changed the broad under-                                                     Florence Bascom (1862–1945)
standing first imparted by George’s work.”* Walker also served                                            was a woman of firsts in the geosci-
as USGS Bureau Chief, Western Minerals Resources Branch                                                ences: the first woman hired by the U.S.
(1972–1976), in Menlo Park, California, USA. More information                                   Geological Survey (1896), the first woman to
about George W. Walker’s career, publications, and tributes can            present a paper to the Geological Society of Washington (1901),
be found on the GSA Foundation website at                 and the first woman officer of GSA (vice president, 1930).
news-events/.                                                              Bascom’s Ph.D. dissertation showed petrographically that rocks
                                                                           previously considered sediments were metamorphosed lava flows.
                                                                           An expert on the crystalline rocks of the Appalachian Piedmont,
                                                                           Bascom created excellent geologic maps from field observations
                                                                           made on horseback. Recruited by Bryn Mawr in 1895, she
                                                                           developed the geology program and trained many women who
                                                                           became professional geoscientists, including Louise Kingsley
                                                                           and Katherine Fowler-Billings, among many others. Bascom was
                                                                           recognized as a four-starred geologist in the first edition of
                                                                           American Men of Science (1906). Bascom’s contributions to
                                                                           Piedmont geology are still utilized by geologists working in
                                                                           that area.

Geological Map of Oregon by George W. Walker and Norman S. MacLeod, 1991.    	YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED!                                                           GSA TODAY |

                                                                             The GSA Foundation continues to seek contributions to
                                                                           reach the Geologic Mapping Award Fund’s US$50,000 goal.
                                                                           Income generated by the fund will support travel expenses for
                                                                           awardees to attend the GSA Annual Meeting, where the award
                                                                           will be presented. Gifts may be made at or
                                                                           sent to GSA Foundation, P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301-
                                                                           9140, USA. Please contact Chris Tallackson, Director of
                                                                           Development, at +1-303-357-1007,,
                                                                           about gifts of securities, retirement account assets, or including
                                                                           the GSA Foundation in your estate plans.

*Quotes from Field Guide to Geologic Processes in Cascadia: Oregon Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries Special Paper 36, edited by George W. Moore, Oregon
State University, 2002.

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