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The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology

                Helping Mentor Students Since 2000

   SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                         Marian Lupulescu, New York              CORDILLERAN SECTION
                                                           State Museum
         Aaron Ball, Unit Petroleum                                                    Denny Capps, Denali National Park
    Meredith Denton-Hedrick, Austin             Dennis McGrath, Louis Berger                          & Preserve
                                                   Lindsay McKenna, NOAA
             Community College                                                      Bob Gillis, Alaska Division of Geological
        David Lane, ConocoPhillips        Arthur Merschat, U.S. Geological Survey              & Geophysical Surveys
         Richard Shoemaker, HDR                 Chris Morrell, R.W. Gillespie &
        Christopher Sumner, Lhoist                        Associates Inc.                  Ted Grove, Emerson Process
                North America             Adam Mumford, U.S. Geological Survey
  Candy Thompson, Oklahoma Dept. of            Karen Paczkowski, GSA Science                Jim Heller, Alabama Dept.
                                                           Policy Fellow                  of Environmental Management
           Environmental Quality
Lowell Waite, Pioneer Natural Resources    Jay Smerekanicz, Golder Associates Inc.    NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION
                                                 Bob Stewart, Jr., ExxonMobil
    NORTHEASTERN SECTION                              Exploration Company              Charlie Andrews, S.S. Papadopulos
                                                                                                  & Associates Inc.
  Kelly Antonuccio, Advanced Math and        Lori Summa, ExxonMobil Upstream
               Science Academy                          Research Company                 Barb Bickford, Wisconsin Dept.
                                                                                                of Natural Resources
  Greg Barker, New Hampshire Dept. of        Stephen Urbanik, New Jersey Dept.
           Environmental Services                 of Environmental Protection               Shane Butler, Illinois State
                                                         Site Remediation                         Geological Survey
        Gale Blackmer, Pennsylvania              Timothy Vaillancourt, AMSA
               Geological Survey                                                       Ellen Considine, Barr Engineering
                                           Geoscience Research Team Coordinator            Liz Heinen, Wisconsin Dept.
   Tonya Brami, ExxonMobil Upstream          Chuck Ver Straeten, New York State                 of Natural Resources
              Research Company                   Museum & Geological Survey
                                                                                       David Saja, The Cleveland Museum
 Laura Brothers, U.S. Geological Survey   Tim White, Pennsylvania State University               of Natural History
  Mark Dobday, GeoTesting Express Inc.    Kristin Wilson, Wells National Estuarine
 H. Keith DuBois, New Hampshire Dept.                                                      MOUNTAIN SECTION
                                                         Research Reserve
          of Environmental Services                                                             Angela Bulla, Bureau
     Martin Feely, National University        SOUTHEASTERN SECTION                              of Land Management
                                                                                              Richard Gray, DiGioia,
               of Ireland, Galway            Bill Burton, U.S. Geological Survey               Gray & Associates LLC
 Sarah Flanagan, U.S. Geological Survey        R.J. Cumbest, Lettis Consultants              Gretchen Hurley, Bureau
Abigail J.T. Fopiano, Epping Well & Pump                 International Inc.                     of Land Management
                                                                                           Ranie Lynds, Wyoming State
                     Co. Inc.               George H. Edwards, G.H. Edwards &
     Susan Hagar, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.                       Associates Inc.                         Geological Survey
  C. Wayne Ives, New Hampshire Dept.
                                                   Maggie Gilliland, AECOM                                                     GSA TODAY |
          of Environmental Services                Simon Kline, CH2MHILL
           Jonathan Kim, Vermont              Elizabeth Ross, ECS Central PLLC
                                               John Stewart, ECS Carolinas LLP
               Geological Survey          Ronald Wallace, Georgia Environmental
           Judith LeClair, AECOM
           Jim Lewkowicz, Weston                       Protection Division
                                            Marianne Weaver, Retired Geologist,
              Geophysical Corp.

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