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Penrose Conference—Snake River, Twin Falls, Idaho, USA. 9–13 September 2009. Photo by Kea Giles.  The Next Step for Your Annual Meeting Science:                                                                                                         March 2012 Penrose Conference location: Castelvecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy.

                                                                                                  PENROSE CONFERENCES
                                                                                                  and THOMPSON FIELD FORUMS

                                                                                                     You’ll be networking with 6,000+ colleagues in Baltimore, and this         Thompson Field Forums are designed to capture the essence of
                                                                                                  can be a great catalyst for generating intriguing scientific discussions   exciting discoveries or controversial topics via forays into the field for
                                                                                                  and field study ideas. That’s what GSA’s Penrose Conferences and           on-the-spot discussions of a particular geologic feature or area. This is
                                                                                                  Thompson Field Forums are for.                                             both an opportunity to get out into the field and to bring together
                                                                                                                                                                             experts on the topic at hand to exchange current knowledge, ideas,
                                                                                                     Penrose Conferences have a long history of bringing together multi-     and theories.
                                                                                                  disciplinary groups of geoscientists to facilitate open and frank discus-
                                                                                                  sions of ideas in an intimate, informal atmosphere and to inspire                                    Learn more at:
                                                                                                  individual and collaborative research.                               

                                                                                                                                                                                          or contact Becky Sundeen at
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