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alarming Orwellian undertones of the hyperspecialization of our       example, the understanding of fluid behavior and transport
times, which tends to stunt the human context of science.             through fractured media is clearly crucial in such fields as
                                                                      igneous and metamorphic petrology, sedimentology, stratig-
  It is essential for society to acknowledge and support untram-      raphy, mineral resources, tectonics, or hazardous waste isola-
meled inquisitiveness. Society, however, has a right to expect, in    tion, but fluid transport through fractured media is still an
return, knowledge and advice. We can serve both masters—              unsolved problem in geohydrology. (2) The U.S. needs a more
science and society—without compromising our integrity, but our       consistent national commitment to resolution of problems
attitudes must change deeply. There must be less separation and       involving earth science. (3) Episodic development, possibly
ranking of the “pure” and “applied” scientist, who should merge       though catastrophes, is a more common geologic process than
to a considerable degree and to the benefit of all. We must attain    previously thought, and it unifies the formerly separate fields of
greater efficiency in our scientific work by utilizing our intellec-  planetary geology and biostratigraphy. (4) We need more data
tual resources more fully. The right side of the brain must be used   collected properly—i.e., not randomly, but to answer questions
as well as the left, intuition as well as logic, image as well as     or test hypotheses.
language, in order to achieve greater knowledge and to place this
knowledge in the human context, where it belongs.                       One matter alluded to in a few of the essays is that the most
Communication must be more lucid and forceful, because                important question regarding the predictions for the next ten
thoughts or knowledge unexpressed, or poorly expressed, are of        years is not whether they will come true but whether we will be
little public value. There must be more interaction with society,     around to find out. Must we continue, as Samuel Johnson put it,
and a greater breadth of interests and knowledge to make this         to “roll helpless down the torrent of our fate”? What, if anything,
interaction possible.                                                 can earth scientists contribute to prevention of the ultimate
                                                                      catastrophe? Several of the essayists suggest possibilities: (1) we
  I see a time of change, a time of stress, a time of opportunity,    can continue to lend our expertise to efforts to verify any present
and I look forward with hope to the whole person resurgent, the       or future test ban treaties; (2) we can reduce mutual paranoia by
scientist-philosopher, the citizen-scientist.                         encouraging international scientific exchange and resisting
                                                                      efforts to restrict academic freedom or the flow of information;
Epilogue                                                              (3) we can provide decision-makers with our perspective based
                                                                      upon our knowledge of geologic time, the rate of geologic
E.M. Moores                                                           processes, the finiteness of Earth’s resources, and Earth’s
                                                                      uniqueness in the solar system. We might point out that Homo
  Some common themes emerge in the foregoing essays:                  sapiens probably has only one chance, this one, to succeed. It
(1) The division between “basic” and “applied” will continue to       would be no big deal, geologically speaking, if he/she became
diminish as the same problems crop up in several fields; for          just another fossil.

                                                                        Will these activities suffice? Probably not. What else can we do?

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