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The salary range for this position is $140,000 to    Lemieux, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of          sent. All documents should go to earthmaterials@
$180,000. Negotiations beyond this salary range will    Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, 
be considered for exceptionally qualified candidates.   Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1, Phone: +1-519-888-4591;
                                                        Fax: +1-519-746-2543, e-mail:           Review of applications will begin Sept. 30, 2015,
   The Department has 21 full-time members                                                                        and continue until the position is filled. The antici-
of faculty, 4 research faculty members, 29 staff,          The University of Waterloo respects, appreciates       pated start date is August of 2016.
approximately 100 graduate students, 25 post-           and encourages diversity. We welcome applications
doctoral fellows and research associates and over       from all qualified individuals including women,              For additional information, please see http://
250 Honours undergraduate students in Earth             members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, or contact the
and Environmental Sciences related programs. In         and persons with disabilities. All qualified candi-       search chair: Jaime Toro at earthmaterials@mail
addition, the Geological Engineering program,           dates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian or +1-304-293-9817.
with approximately 100 undergraduate students,          citizens and permanent residents will be given
is shared with the Department of Civil and Envi-        priority. Three reasons to apply: https://uwaterloo          West Virginia University is an EEO/Affirma-
ronmental Engineering. Undergraduate studies            .ca/watport/why-waterloo.                                 tive Action Employer and welcomes applications
are available in both a Co-operative Education and                                                                from all qualified individuals, including minorities,
Regular format. The Department fosters a dynamic                      ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                         females, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.
and thriving research environment with over $15                    MINERALOGY-PETROLOGY-
million in annual research, houses a CERC Chair                                                                                  SURFACE GEOLOGIST
and 2 CRC’s (Tier 1) and initiated the Southern                          EARTH MATERIALS                             NORTH DAKOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Ontario Water Consortium (>$55 million) and the                   WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY                        The North Dakota Geological Survey announces
Canadian Water Network. The Department attracts         The Dept. of Geology and Geography at West                a permanent position opening for a geologist.
outstanding Canadian and international applicants       Virginia University seeks to hire a tenure track Assis-   Successful applicant will be responsible for gener-
to its graduate programs. Collaborative research        tant Professor specializing in Earth Materials. This      ating maps and reports on the surface geology of
programs that are global in scope are currently         could include expertise in Igneous, Metamorphic,          North Dakota.
active with members of the Faculties of Science,        Sedimentary or Organic Petrology, Mineralogy,                Applicants should have a master’s degree in
Environment, Mathematics and Engineering and            Geomicrobiology, or related fields. The successful        geology. Applicants must have strong written and
the Water Institute. The Department is interested in    candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous          verbal communication skills. Preference will be
strengthening these transdisciplinary initiatives and   externally funded research program, to teach core         given to applicants with experience in the following
expanding ties within the national and international    undergraduate classes covering the origins of rocks       areas; geologic surface mapping of glacial deposits or
academic communities.                                   and minerals as well as graduate courses in the area of   Fort Union strata, geologic hazards mapping, and
                                                        his/her expertise, and to mentor graduate students.       delineation of sand and gravel deposits.
   The University of Waterloo is located in the            Requirements include a Ph.D. or equivalent                The successful applicant will be hired with a
attractive and vibrant two-university community of      doctoral degree in Earth Science or a closely related     salary dependent upon the level of completed educa-
Kitchener-Waterloo (population 500,000) in south-       field by the start date, evidence of potential to estab-  tion and applicable experience. The State of North
western Ontario, about 100 km west of Toronto.          lish a strong externally-funded research program, to      Dakota has very competitive health insurance
                                                        publish in peer-reviewed journals, and to excel in        and retirement plans. Deadline for applications is
   Applications and nominations should include a        teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.        September 1, 2015.
detailed resume, the names and contact information         Qualified applicants should: (1) submit a single          For more information about the North Dakota
for three individuals willing to provide references,    PDF file including a statement of research interests, a   Geological Survey and instructions on how to apply
and a statement of capabilities and qualification. The  statement of teaching philosophy, and a curriculum        for this position, see
closing date for applications is October 15, 2015.      vitae; (2) submit PDF files of up to 3 publications;      The North Dakota Geological Survey is an Equal
The anticipated start date is September 1, 2016. Send   and (3) arrange for three letters of reference to be      Opportunity Employer.
applications or nominations to: Professor Robert


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