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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

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Fellowship Opportunities
Opportunities for Students    $ 9.15       (same ad)
                              $ 9.15         $8.90
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                              $5.00          $5.00

Positions Open

STRUCTURAL GEOLOGIST/NEOTECTONICS                                sented ethnic and racial groups, individuals with      to teach courses at all levels of the curriculum. The       GSA TODAY |
  GEOLOGY, MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY                             disabilities and covered veterans. Employment will     typical teaching load is three lab courses per year.
The Department of Geography, Geology, and Plan-                  require a criminal background check at University      In addition, successful candidates are expected to
ning invites applications for a tenure-track position in         expense. Missouri State University is an Equal Oppor-  maintain vibrant and productive research programs
Geology at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in           tunity/Affirmative Action/Minority/Female/Veterans/    that actively incorporate undergraduate students.
either January 2016 or August 2016 with an emphasis              Disability employer and institution.
in either Structural Geology or Neotectonics.                                                                              Denison University is a highly selective, private
   A Ph.D. (or ABD) in Geology or a closely related                                TWO POSITIONS:                       residential liberal arts college enrolling approxi-
field is required at time of appointment. Require-                     STRATIGRAPHY/SEDIMENTOLOGY                       mately 2100 undergraduate students from across
ments include a commitment to undergraduate- and                   AND GEOMORPHOLOGY/CLIMATOLOGY                        the country and around the world. The college is
Master’s-level teaching as well as research exper-                                                                      located in the village of Granville, Ohio, 25 miles east
tise and interest at a level appropriate to supervise                           DENISON UNIVERSITY                      of Columbus. For more information about Denison,
Master’s-level thesis projects. The successful appli-            Denison University invites applications for two        visit our website at
cant will teach an undergraduate course in structural            tenure track positions in the Department of Geosci-
geology and one or more upper-level courses in his               ences, to begin in August 2016. We seek broadly           All application materials will be handled elec-
or her specialty. Additionally, the individual will also         trained scientists engaged in the study of (1) Sedi-   tronically at (Please
teach introductory-level geology courses, and partici-           mentology and/or Stratigraphy, and (2) Geomor-         clearly indicate the desired position.) Applications
pate in department-level field trips. Post-doctoral              phology and/or Climatology. We welcome candi-          must include: (1) a letter of application addressing
research experience and evidence of teaching effective-          dates that combine these specialties in innovative     the position requirements listed above; (2) a current
ness would be advantageous. Applicants must be able              ways, and are willing to consider joint applications.  curriculum vita; (3) academic transcripts of under-
to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to work in           Successful candidates should demonstrate poten-        graduate and graduate course work (unofficial accept-
an environment that encourages an understanding of,              tial to be outstanding teachers, active scholars, and  able); (4) a statement of teaching philosophy and expe-
respect for, and development of skills to engage with            contributors to the continued growth of the Depart-    rience; and (5) a statement of your research program
those of other cultures or diverse backgrounds.                  ment and College. Candidates must have a Ph.D. at      in a liberal arts context. In addition, please include
   The Department grants undergraduate degrees in                the time of appointment.                               the contact information for three persons who know
Geology, Geography, Planning, Geospatial Science,                                                                       your teaching and scholarship well, who will then be
and Earth Science Education and an M.S. in Geospa-                  We seek colleagues who are committed to             requested to upload reference letters. Completed appli-
tial Science in Geography, Geology and Planning.                 teaching excellence in the liberal arts tradition,     cation materials submitted by October 15, 2015, will
The successful applicant would be expected to teach              are field-based, have broad interests beyond their     receive full consideration, and evaluation will continue
and advise in the undergraduate program in Geology               individual specialties, and will provide a balance of
and in the department’s graduate program.                        classroom, field, and laboratory experiences for our                                           continued on p. 24
   Qualified applicants should apply online at https://          students. Candidates must have the desire and ability and upload a single PDF that
includes a letter of application, current curriculum
vitae, detailed research plan, statement of teaching
philosophy, and contact information for 3–5 profes-
sional references. The evaluation of applications will
begin September 15, 2015, and will continue until
a successful candidate is found. Further informa-
tion can be obtained at +1-417-836-5800 or visit
our web site at
The University is dedicated to the goal of building
a culturally diverse and inclusive faculty and staff
committed to teaching and working in a multicul-
tural environment and strongly encourages appli-
cations from women, persons from underrepre-

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