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GSA TODAY | AUGUST 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities      continued from p. 23                                     to be reviewed until the position is filled. Women       itively-funded research problems. Specialties may
                                                                                                                        and minorities are encouraged to apply. The Univer-      include, but are not limited to, flow modeling in
                                                               until the position is filled. For those attending, we    sity of Michigan is supportive of the needs of dual      porous media; hyporheic or vadose zone processes;
                                                               plan to meet with selected candidates at the 2015 GSA    career couples and is an equal opportunity/affirma-      groundwater-surface water interaction; flow in frac-
                                                               Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.                   tive action employer.                                    tured media; hydrogeology of energy-related activi-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ties; water supply and sustainability; contaminant
                                                                  To achieve our mission as a liberal arts college, we     GEOPHYSICS, DEPARTMENT OF EARTH                       and solute transport; and/or karst hydrogeology.
                                                               continually strive to foster a diverse campus commu-              SCIENCE, UC SANTA BARBARA                       The position will begin in January or August 2016.
                                                               nity, which recognizes the value of all persons
                                                               regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual     The Department of Earth Science at the Univer-           Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their
                                                               orientation, disability, or socioeconomic back-          sity of California, Santa Barbara, invites applica-      potential to establish a vigorous externally-funded
                                                               ground. For additional information and resources         tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position    research program, publish scholarly work, mentor
                                                               about diversity at Denison please see our Diversity      in Geophysics, starting July 1, 2016. We seek an         graduate students, and to teach at the undergraduate
                                                               Guide at       innovative geophysicist who investigates solid Earth     and graduate levels. Qualified applicants should
                                                               Denison University is an Affirmative Action, Equal       processes with modern geophysical data and/or            submit the following items to hydrogeo@mail.wvu.
                                                               Opportunity Employer.                                    simulation methods. All areas of technical expertise     edu: (1) a single PDF file including a statement of
                                                                                                                        will be considered, with preference for seismology,      research interests, a statement of teaching philos-
                                                                                FACULTY POSITION                        geodesy, and/or numerical modeling. We seek              ophy, and curriculum vitae; and (2) pdf files of up to
                                                                           GEOLOGY OR GEOPHYSICS                        candidates who complement our current research           4 publications. Please also arrange for three letters of
                                                                           UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN                       program and integrate tectonics and geophysics.          reference to be sent to the same email address.
                                                               The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
                                                               at the University of Michigan anticipates an opening        The successful candidate is expected to develop          Review of applications will commence on
                                                               for a tenure-track assistant professor in the areas of   a vigorous, externally funded research program and       September 15, 2015 and continue until a successful
                                                               geology or geophysics for a university-year appoint-     to advise graduate and undergraduate students. A         candidate is identified. For additional informa-
                                                               ment starting September 1, 2016. The Department          Ph.D. or an equivalent degree is required at the time    tion, please see
                                                               intends to pursue additional hires in this direction     of appointment.                                          or contact the search chair Dorothy J. Vesper at
                                                               in future years, and we are particularly interested in                                                   WVU is an EEO/Affirma-
                                                               candidates whose strengths will complement existing         Applicants should submit a PDF containing             tive Action Employer and welcomes applications
                                                               research programs within the Department.                 a letter of application, their curriculum vitae, a       from all qualified individuals, including minorities,
                                                                  Geology: We encourage applications from               description of teaching and research objectives and      females, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.
                                                               candidates whose research interests encompass the        accomplishments, and the contact information of
                                                               origin, evolution, or dynamics of the continents.        three referees who will provide letters. Applicants                      FACULTY POSITION
                                                               The successful candidate will develop a strong field-    should request that the three referees send letters             EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE
                                                               based research program, complemented by expertise        of evaluation by October 1st, 2015. The application            DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE
                                                               in modern analytical techniques or in numerical          file and letters of reference should be submitted to
                                                               or analogue modeling. Candidates with an interest                                               RICE UNIVERSITY
                                                               in understanding continental evolution in deep                                                                    We seek creative and promising candidates across
                                                               geologic time are particularly encouraged to apply.         Review of applications will begin October 1st,        the broad spectrum of earth and planetary science
                                                                  Geophysics: We encourage applications from            2015. The position will remain open until filled, but    who complement the disciplines represented in our
                                                               candidates who will develop an observationally           to ensure full consideration, application materials      department.
                                                               based research program using geophysical methods         should be submitted by this date.
                                                               (e.g. seismology, geodesy, or potential fields) to                                                                   Successful candidates are expected to direct an
                                                               study the Earth at the crustal or continental scale.        The department is especially interested in candi-     active research program, supervise graduate research,
                                                               We are particularly interested in those applicants       dates who contribute to the diversity and excel-         and teach courses for undergraduate and graduate
                                                               whose work is relevant to societal concerns including    lence of the academic community through research,        students. Details about the department and its facilities
                                                               natural hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanism, and     teaching, and service.                                   can be found at
                                                               associated hazards, or environmental change to the
                                                               hydrosphere or cryosphere.                                  The University of California is an Equal Oppor-          Please send a CV, research and teaching state-
                                                                  The successful candidate is expected to establish an  tunity/Affirmative Action employer and all qualified     ments, and names of four or more references to
                                                               independent research program and contribute to both      applicants will receive consideration for employ-
                                                               undergraduate and graduate teaching. Applicants          ment without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
                                                               must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment, and        sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin,       Equal Opportunity Employer—Females/Minori-
                                                               should submit a CV, statement of current and future      disability status, protected veteran status, or any      ties/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender
                                                               research plans, statement of teaching philosophy and     other characteristic protected by law.                   Identity.
                                                               experience, evidence of teaching excellence (if any),
                                                               and names and contact information of at least four         PHYSICAL HYDROGEOLOGIST, GEOLOGY                               CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF EARTH
                                                               persons who can provide letters of recommendation.                 WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY                             AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,
                                                                  Information about the Department and instruc-
                                                               tions for submitting an application can be found at      West Virginia University Department of Geology                      UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO
                                                                                      & Geography invites applications for a tenure-track      The Department of Earth and Environmental
                                                                  To apply please go to      position in geology at the Assistant Professor level.    Sciences, in the Faculty of Science at the University
                                                               .edu/facultysearch/newapplicant, complete the online     This position, related to the stewardship of fresh-      of Waterloo invites nominations and applications
                                                               form and upload the required application docu-           water resources, is one of several university-wide,      for the position of Chair of the Department. Candi-
                                                               ments as a single PDF file. If you have any questions    research-focused initiatives (http://research.wvu.       dates must have a Ph.D. and are expected to have a
                                                               or comments, please send an email message to Mich-       edu/about). Research on freshwater is an area of         distinguished record of teaching and research as well
                                                                                  growth across campus and includes a new interdis-        as demonstrated ability in leadership and admin-
                                                                  The application deadline is September 15, 2015,       ciplinary Water Center.                                  istration. They should also be eligible for a faculty
                                                               for full consideration, but applications will continue                                                            position, normally at the level of full professor. The
                                                                                                                           Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. or equiv-     successful candidate will lead the academic and
                                                         24                                                             alent degree in Geology or related field at the time of  research vision for the Department, be responsible
                                                                                                                        appointment. We seek applications from individuals       for the relationship between the department and the
                                                                                                                        with interests in basic and applied aspects of ground-   broader university academic community, and play a
                                                                                                                        water flow in the critical zone and/or deeper regimes.   leading role in the academic planning and manage-
                                                                                                                        The successful applicant will possess demonstrable       ment process within the Faculty of Science.
                                                                                                                        expertise in study of subsurface water flow and/or
                                                                                                                        transport processes that may be applied to compet-
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