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                                         LUNCHTIME ENLIGHTENMENT

                                         Buy your food and take it in

             Baltimore Convention Center, Room 327–329
                 Mon.–Wed., 2–4 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.

Grab your lunch at a nearby convention center vendor and enjoy a little
  lunchtime enlightenment during GSA’s Feed Your Brain series.

Monday                                   Tuesday                                     Wednesday

James Balog, Founder & President, Earth  Marcia McNutt, Editor-in-Chief of Science   Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist:                         SCIENCE & CAREERS
Vision Institute & Extreme Ice Survey:   and former USGS director: 2015 Michel T.    “Science at NASA: Exploring Planets
“The Art & Science of Chasing Ice.” See  Halbouty Lecturer & GSA Geology &           in this Solar System and Beyond.” Look
the August issue of GSA Today for talk   Society Division Distinguished Lecturer:    for highlights in the October issue of
highlights.                              “Deepwater Horizons: Lessons Learned for    GSA Today.
                                         Better Disaster Preparedness” (see below).

Deepwater Horizons: Lessons Learned for Better Disaster Preparedness

Marcia McNutt, Editor-in-Chief of Science, former USGS director, and 2015 Michel T. Halbouty Lecturer and GSA Geology and Society
Division Distinguished Lecturer.

                              Tuesday, 3 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.            From 2009 to 2013, McNutt was director of the U.S. Geological
                                                                          Survey, which responded to a number of major disasters during
                                 The Deepwater Horizon explosion and      her tenure, including the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. For her
                              resulting oil spill were a human and an     work to help contain that spill, McNutt was awarded the U.S.
                              environmental tragedy. Marcia McNutt        Coast Guard’s Meritorious Service Medal. She is a fellow of AGU,
                              will share insights based on her experi-    GSA, AAAS, and the International Association of Geodesy, and
                              ences participating in the response to the  has recently been elected president of the National Academy of
                              event. Understanding this disaster will     Sciences, to begin her term in July 2016. Her honors and awards
                              help companies, scientists, and policy      include honorary doctoral degrees from Colorado College, the
                              makers better prepare for future oil        University of Minnesota, Monmouth University, and the
spills, such as fostering a community of disaster professionals,          Colorado School of Mines. McNutt was awarded the Macelwane
establishing more formal processes for delivering actionable              Medal by AGU in 1988 for research accomplishments by a young
science, and improving the communication of scientific informa-           scientist and the Maurice Ewing Medal in 2007 for her significant
tion during emergencies.                                                  contributions to deep-sea exploration.
  McNutt (BA in physics, Colorado College; Ph.D. in earth
sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography) is a geophysicist
who became the 19th Editor-in-Chief of Science in June 2013.


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