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                                                    EXHIBITORS                                         EXHIBIT HALL HOURS

                                                    in alphabetical order                              Sunday: Exhibits open: 2–7 p.m.;
                                                                                                       Exhibits Opening Reception: 5:30–7 p.m.
                                                    (as of press time)
                                                                                                       Monday & Tuesday: 9 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
                                                    AASP - The Palynological Society:
                                                       Booth 1045

                                                    American Association of Petroleum Geologists /     Wednesday: 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
                                                       AAPG Bookstore: Booth 961

                                                    American Geophysical Union: Booth 923

                                                    American Geosciences Institute: Booth 957          Florida International University: Booth 103          Iowa State University: Booth 219
                                                                                                       Forestry Suppliers Inc.: Booth 1010                  IRIS Consortium: Booth 453
                                                    American Institute of Professional Geologists:     FOSSIL (The FOSSIL Project): Booth 1041              Isomass Scientific Inc.: Booth 413
                                                       Booth 853                                       Gems & Crystals Unlimited: Booth 423                 John D Cooper Center: Booth 1036
                                                                                                       Geochemical Society: Booth 1018                      Jones & Bartlett Learning: Booth 817
                                                    American Meteorological Society: Booth 947

                                                    American Museum of Natural History Master of
                                                       Arts in Teaching Program: Booth 235

                                                    American Quaternary Association: Booth 552         Geocognition Research Lab: Booth 658                 Kansas State University: Booth 336

                                                    Armfield Inc.: Booth 562                           Geological Association of Canada: Booth 1016         Komodo Dragon: Booth 522

                                                    ASC Scientific: Booth 530                          The Geological Society of London: Booth 960          LacCore / CSDCO: Booth 835

                                                    Association for Women Geoscientists: Booth 858 Geophysical Survey Systems Inc.: Booth 759               Little River Research & Design: Booth 831

EXHIBITS & SPONSORSHIP                              Association of American State Geologists:          GEOROC Database: Booth 932                           Macroscopic Solutions LLC: Booth 424
                                                       Booth 855                                       Geoscience Information Society: Booth 416            Mala Geoscience USA Inc.: Booth 718
                        GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015                                                     GeoScienceWorld: Booth 910                           Mappt: Booth 442
                                                    Association of Earth Science Editors: Booth 964    Geoscientists Without Borders–SEG                    Martin Microscope Company: Booth 943
                                                    Auburn University Dept. of Geology & Geography:                                                         Meiji Techno America: Booth 319
                                                                                                          Humanitarian Program: Booth 956                   Micropaleontology Press: Booth 1039
                                                       Booth 123                                       GIA: Booth 418                                       Midland Valley Exploration Ltd.: Booth 333
                                                    Ball State University: Booth 314                   GNS Science: Booth 411                               Mineralogical Association of Canada: Booth 1026
                                                    Baylor University: Booth 422                       GSA Geoinformatics Division: Booth 1011              Mineralogical Society of America: Booth 1022
                                                    Beta Analytic Inc.: Booth 619                      GSA Geology and Health Division:                     Mississippi State University: Booth 430
                                                    Bruker Corporation: Booth 937                                                                           Missouri State University—­ MS Geospatial
                                                    Bureau of Ocean Energy Management/Marine              Booth 1015
                                                                                                       GSA Geology and Society Division: Booth 1005            Sciences in Geology: Booth 302
                                                       Minerals Program: Booth 534                     GSA History & Philosophy of Geology Division:        Missouri University of Science and Technology:
                                                    Cambridge University Press: Booth 710
                                                    Central Washington University: Booth 206              Booth 1017                                           Booth 300
                                                    Consortium of Universities for the Advancement     GSA Hydrogeology Division: Booth 1013                Mountain Press Publishing Company: Booth 912
                                                                                                       GSA International: Booth 1019                        NASA: Booth 823
                                                       of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI):            GSA Karst Division: Booth 550                        National Association of Geoscience Teachers:
                                                       Booth 446                                       GSA Limnology Division: Booth 1021
                                                    Council on Undergraduate Research: Booth 435       GSA Planetary Geology Division: Booth 1027              Booth 931
                                                    Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research:     Hofstra University: Booth 306                        National Association of State Boards of Geology
                                                       Booth 1035                                      HORIBA Scientific: Booth 419
                                                    Dept. of Geology University of Buffalo: Booth 207  Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Booth 914              (ASBOG®): Booth 313
                                                    Dino-Lite Scopes (BigC): Booth 317                 IKON Mining: Booth 511                               National Cave and Karst Research Institute:
                                                    DirectAMS: Booth 849                               Indiana University–Bloomington: Booth 318
                                                    DOSECC Exploration Services LLC: Booth 426         Institute for Broadening Participation: Booth 347       Booth 546
                                                    EarthScope: Booth 451                              International Association for Geoscience Diversity:  National Park Service: Booth 436
                                                    EARTHTIME: Booth 448                                                                                    National Science Foundation: Booth 447
                                                    East Carolina University: Booth 208                   Booth 431                                         Natural Earth Craft LLC: Booth 311
                                                    Elementar Americas: Booth 946                      International Association of GeoChemistry:           New Mexico Highlands University: Booth 202
                                                    Elsevier: Booth 412                                                                                     NSF Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium:
                                                    Environmental & Engineering Geophysical               Booth 1012
                                                       Society: Booth 916                              International Centre for Diffraction Data:              Booth 450
                                                    Environmental Isotope Lab: Booth 514                                                                    Oklahoma State University Boone Pickens School
                                                    ESRI: Booth 518                                       Booth 930
                                                    Estwing Mfg. Co.: Booth 934                        International Chemical Analysis Inc.: Booth 331         of Geology: Booth 220
                                                                                                       International Nannoplankton Association:             Olympus: Booth 532
                                                                                                                                                            Oregon State University: Booth 815
                                                                                                          Booth 1037                                        Oxford University Press: Booth 615

                                                    European Geosciences Union (EGU): Booth 559        International Union of Geological Sciences:          Pearson: Booth 714
                                                    Field Environmental Instruments: Booth 919            Booth 936                                         Purdue University: Booth 238


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