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                                               Be Heard & Be Interesting
                                               Science communication strategies for interacting
                                               with the public, policy makers, and social media                       you interested in using Twitter but aren’t sure how? Learn from
                                                                                                                      experts and each other as you hone your public communication
                                               Saturday, 31 Oct., 8 a.m.–noon.                                        and outreach skills, and practice in a safe and comfortable setting.

                                               Cost: Professionals:US$35; students: US$25; includes conti-              You will leave knowing how to create clear and concise messages
                                               nental breakfast. Limit: 30. Sign up when you register or call GSA     targeted to your audience, as well as how to prepare for a media
                                               Sales & Service, +1-800-443-4472, to add this course.                  interview. You will learn strategies for using social media, identify
                                                                                                                      opportunities for interacting with laypersons in your community,
                                                 Have you struggled to explain your research to a friend? Would       and gain an understanding of how to approach policy makers on
                                               you like to be able to tell your Senator your views on policy? Are     scientific issues.

SCIENCE & CAREERS                              Communication skills are key to a successful career and important in all aspects of life.
                                                                             Give yours the attention they deserve.

                                               What’s Your Problem;
                                                What’s Your Point?

                   GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015          When: Sunday, 1 Nov.,                                          Photo by Bret Webster.
                                                              11:30–2 p.m.
                                                                                                                            Meet Us in the
                                                FREE (but an application is required) — Lunch is provided.              Social Media–Sphere

                                                 Publishing your work is important, but how do you go about it?                                in
                                               This workshop, led by experienced GSA science editors, will focus
                                               on the process of preparing your research for submission to schol-             Twitter:
                                               arly journals. Presentations by editors will be followed by round-                  Follow hashtag #GSA2015
                                               table discussions. Three stages are covered in detail: (1) before you
                                               begin; (2) writing and revising; and (3) reviewing—becoming a           Facebook:
                                               part of the scholarly community.                                           LinkedIn:
                                                                                                                                  GSA’s Connected Community:


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