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Second Announcement                                                 REGISTRATION

 CORDILLERAN SECTION                                                    Early registration deadline: 29 February
                                                                        Cancellation deadline: 7 March
    112th Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran
    Section, GSA                                                        REGISTRATION FEES (all fees are in U.S. dollars)
    Ontario, California, USA                                            	 Early	Standard
    4–6 April 2016                           	 Full	 1 Day	 Full	 1 Day

Photo courtesy of Jade Star Lackey.                                     Professional member           $195 $175 $230 $190

     LOCATION                                                           Professional member 70+       $115 $100 $130 $120
        Ontario is ~60 km from the U.S. Pacific coast in the “Inland
                                                                        Professional nonmember        $250 $225 $300 $240
      Empire” of the greater Los Angeles Basin. The city is surrounded
      by the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and Santa Ana Mountains,      Student member                $75 $60 $90 $70
      with the San Andreas fault 25 km to the northeast and other
      iconic geologic sites such as the Mojave Desert, Joshua Tree      Student nonmember             $85 $75 $95 $85
      National Park, the Peninsular Ranges, and Salton Trough one to
      three hours away.                                                 K–12 teacher                  $40 $30 $50 $40
                                                                        Guest/spouse                  $30 n/a $30 n/a

                                                                        Field Trip/Short Course only  $20 n/a $40 n/a


                                                                        Reservation deadline: 14 March
                                                                          The meeting will be held in the Ontario Convention Center,

                                                                        which is a two-minute walk from the headquarters hotel, the
                                                                        DoubleTree by Hilton, at 222 N. Vineyard Ave., Ontario,
                                                                        California 91764, USA. GSA has secured a meeting rate of US$129
                                                                        per night plus tax for single and double occupancy. Reservations
                                                                        can be made via the meeting website, or you can call the
                                                                        DoubleTree at +1-909-418-4873 (local) or toll-free at +1-800-222-
                                                                        8733; reference the group code “Geological Society of America.”

GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016                                                TECHNICAL PROGRAM

                                                                        Abstract deadline: 5 January
                                                                        Submit your abstract online at
                                                                        cord/2016mtg/techprog.htm. Fee: US$15 for students; US$20 for
                                                                        all others. If you cannot submit an abstract online, please contact
                                                                        Heather Clark,, +1-303-357-1018.
                                                                        T1. 	 Neotectonics and Magmatism in Death Valley and

                                                                              Southwestern Basin and Range: Jim Calzia, J.R. Knott.
                                                                        T2. 	 Magma Sources to Volcanoes—Exploring Processes,

                                                                              Volumes, Storage, and Interconnectivity in Continental
                                                                              Arcs: Vali Memeti, Robinson Cecil, Adam Ianno, Ana María
                                                                              Martínez Ardila.
                                                                        T3. 	 Causes and Consequences of Magmatic and Tectonic
                                                                              Tempos in Continental and Oceanic Arcs: Scott Paterson,
                                                                              Barbara Ratschbacher, Joshua Schwartz, Ben Clausen.
                                                                        T4. 	 Linking Mesozoic Arcs, Tectonics, and Mineral Deposits:
                                                                              Jason Price, Claire Bucholz, John Dilles.
                                                                        T5. 	 Insights into the Late Cenozoic Evolution of Crustal
                                                                              Blocks in Southern California from New Geologic,
                                                                              Geophysical, and Geomorphic Data: Victoria Langenheim,
                                                                              Robert Powell, Jonathan Matti, Gary Fuis.
                                                                        T6. 	 Integrated Volcanic Systems: Coupling and Feedbacks
                                                                              between Volcanic, Sedimentary, Geomorphic, Climatic,
                                                                              and Environmental Processes: Benjamin S. Murphy, Nicole
                                                                              E. Moore.
                                                                        T7. 	 Hydrogeology of Complex Geologic Settings: Matt Becker,
                                                                              Thomas M. Seckington.
                                                                        T8. 	 Hydrogeological Impacts of Urbanization: Barry Hibbs,
                                                                              W. Richard Laton.
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