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2015–2016 GSA Division and Interdisciplinary Interest
                          Groups (IIG) Officers and Past Chairs


                             Cynthia M. Fadem, Chair                  Nicholas C. Schmerr, Chair
                             Richard Dunn, Vice-Chair                 Lisa Tauxe, Vice-Chair
                             Judson Finley, Secretary-Treasurer       Benjamin Drenth, Secretary-Treasurer
                             Katherine A. Adelsberger, Past Chair     Samantha E. Hansen, Past Chair

                            ■	 ENERGY GEOLOGY DIVISION                ■	 GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION

                             Brett J. Valentine, Chair                Christopher Atchison, Chair
                             J. Fred Mclaughlin, First Vice-Chair     Shane V. Smith, First Vice-Chair
                             Marc L. Buursink, Second Vice-Chair      Natalie Bursztyn, Second Vice-Chair
                             Lois Yoksoulian, Secretary-Treasurer     Jacquelyn E. Hams, Secretary-Treasurer
                             Jennifer M.K. O’Keefe, Past Chair        Julie C. Libarkin, Past Chair

                                GEOLOGY DIVISION                          DIVISION

                             Matthew M. Crawford, Chair               Joanne Bourgeois, Chair
                             Thad A. Wasklewicz, Chair-Elect          Dorothy Sack, First Vice-Chair
                             Jessica E. Witt, Secretary               Michael S. Smith, Second Vice-Chair
                             William J. Burns, Past Chair             Kathleen Lohff, Secretary-Treasurer
                                                                      Renee M. Clary, Past Chair
                            ■	 GEOBIOLOGY & GEOMICROBIOLOGY DIVISION
                                                                      ■	 HYDROGEOLOGY DIVISION
                             Marc Laflamme, Chair
                             Simon A.F. Darroch, Vice Chair           Alicia M. Wilson, Chair
                             Rowan C. Martindale, Secretary           Abe E. Springer, First Vice-Chair
                             Victoria A. Petryshyn, Treasurer         Stephen J. Van der Hoven, Second Vice-Chair
                             James D. Schiffbauer, Past Chair         Eric W. Peterson, Secretary-Treasurer
                                                                      Madeline E. Schreiber, Past Chair
                            ■	 GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION
                                                                      ■	 KARST DIVISION
                             M. Lee Allison, Chair
                             Bruce E. Herbert, First Vice-Chair       Cory W. BlackEagle, Chair
                             TBD, Second Vice-Chair                   Jason Polk, First Vice-Chair
                             TBD, Secretary-Treasurer                 TBD, Second Vice-Chair
                             Kerstin Lehnert, Past Chair              Penny Boston, Secretary
                                                                      Ben Tobin, Treasurer
                            ■	 GEOLOGY AND HEALTH DIVISION            Pat Kambesis, Webmaster/Social Media

                             Thomas H. Darrah, Chair                  ■	 LIMNOGEOLOGY DIVISION
                             Suzette A. Morman, First Vice-Chair
                             Andrew Hunt, Second Vice-Chair           Johan C. Varekamp, Chair
                             Kevin E. Nick, Secretary-Treasurer       Scott W. Starratt, Vice-Chair
                             Saugata Datta, Past Chair                Michelle F. Goman, Secretary
                                                                      David B. Finkelstein, Treasurer
                            ■	 GEOLOGY AND SOCIETY DIVISION           Amy Myrbo, Past Chair

                             Bruce R. Clark, Chair                    ■	 MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,
                             David W. Szymanski, First Vice-Chair         AND VOLCANOLOGY DIVISION
                             Susan Stover, Second Vice-Chair
                             Jeffrey N. Rubin, Secretary-Treasurer    Yildirim Dilek, Chair
                             Christopher P. Carlson, Past Chair       Wendy A. Bohrson, First Vice-Chair
                             Erin E. Barry, Student Representative    Anita L. Grunder, Second Vice-Chair
                                                                      J. Alexander Speer, Secretary-Treasurer
                        20                                            Diane R. Smith, Past Chair
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