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                          GSA DIVISION AWARDS

GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016    ■	 ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOLOGY DIVISION                                       published no more than five years prior to its selection. There
                                                                                                     are no restrictions on the publisher of the paper. Learn more at
                                For more information, go to      
                                                                                                   • 	 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer: Nominations due
                             • 	 Rip Rapp Award: Nominations due 15 February; send mate-             28 February; submit materials to Matt Crawford at mcraw-
                                rials to George “Rip” Rapp, Jr., was one of the This lectureship is awarded to an individual
                                founding members of this Division and generously established         who through research or practice has made outstanding contri-
                                an award fund with the GSA Foundation. Nominations should            butions to the advancement of environmental and/or engi-
                                include a biographical sketch, a statement of outstanding            neering geology. The awardee will speak on topics of earth
                                achievements, and a selected bibliography of the nominee.            processes and the consequences of human interaction with
                                                                                                     these processes, or the application of geology to environmental
                             • 	 Richard Hay Student Paper/Poster Award: Nominations due             and/or engineering works. Award funds are administered by
                                20 August; send materials to Richard Hay          the GSA Foundation. Learn more at
                                had a distinguished career in sedimentary geology, mineralogy,       egd/Awards.html#Jahns.
                                and archaeological geology. The award is in the form of a travel
                                grant for a student (undergraduate or graduate) presenting a       ■	 GEOPHYSICS DIVISION
                                paper or poster at GSA’s annual meeting. The grant is competi-
                                tive and is awarded based on the evaluation of the scientific      • 	 George P. Woollard Award: Nominations due 15 February;
                                merit of the research topic and the clarity of an expanded           send materials to Nick Schmerr, Please
                                abstract prepared by a student for presentation in the Division’s    provide the nominee’s name, contact information, and a short
                                technical session.                                                   paragraph statement on the nominee’s qualifications, including
                                                                                                     a short summary of their specific work or outcomes and how
                             • 	 Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Award: Nominations due 5 March;           these have contributed to geology. A curriculum vitae helps, but
                                send materials to This fund (managed by           is not required. This award recognizes outstanding contribu-
                                the GSA Foundation) provides research scholarships and               tions to geology through the application of the principles and
                                fellowships for graduate students in archaeology or the earth        techniques of geophysics. A highlight of the presentation is the
                                sciences. Recipients must have interest in (1) achieving a           honorary George P. Woollard Technical Lecture by the recipient
                                master’s or Ph.D. degree in earth sciences or archaeology; (2)       before the award ceremony. Award funds are administered by
                                applying earth-science methods to archaeological research; and       the GSA Foundation. Learn more at
                                (3) a career in teaching and academic research. Awards in the        sions/geop/Awards.htm.
                                amount of US$650 are given in support of thesis or dissertation
                                research, with emphasis on field and/or laboratory work. The       ■	 GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION
                                Division also invites contributions to this award fund.
                                                                                                   • 	 Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching:
                            ■	 ENERGY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                               Nominations due 15 February; submit nominations to http://
                             • 	 Gilbert H. Cady Award: Nominations due 28 February; send            saward. Any questions should be directed to GEOEDGSA@
                                materials to Jen O’Keefe at This This award recognizes innovative and effective
                                award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of coal      teaching in college-level earth science. Earth-science instructors
                                geology that advance the science both within and outside of          and faculty members from any academic institution engaged in
                                North America. Learn more at               undergraduate education who have been teaching full-time for
                                awards.htm.                                                          10 years or fewer are eligible (part-time teaching is not counted
                                                                                                     in this requirement). Both peer- and self-nominations will be
                            ■	 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING                                         accepted. This award is administered by the GSA Foundation.
                                GEOLOGY DIVISION                                                     An additional travel reimbursement is also available to the
                                                                                                     recipient to enable him or her to attend the award presentation
                             • 	 E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award: Nominations due 1 February; send          at the GSA Annual Meeting. Learn more at http://community.
                                materials to Dennis Staley at This award 
                                honors the memory of one of the founding members of the
                                Division and the first chief geologist of the U.S. Army Corps of   ■	 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
                                Engineers. It recognizes the author or authors of a published          DIVISION
                                paper of distinction that advances knowledge concerning prin-
                                ciples or practice of engineering geology or of related fields,      For more information, go to
                                such as applied soil or rock mechanics, where the role of          histphildiv/awards#dsa.
                                geology is emphasized. The paper must (1) deal with the engi-
                                neering geology or a closely related field, and (2) have been

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