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GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016 ■ MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY, geomorphology or some related field, such as [Pleistocene]
AND VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV) DIVISION Quaternary geology. The paper must fulfill the following
requirements: (1) it will deal with geomorphology or with a
Nominations due 15 July. For each of the following awards, bordering field related to geomorphology; and (2) it will have
send materials to J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of been published not more than five years prior to its selection for
America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Suite 500, Chantilly VA 20151- the award. Nominations should include (1) a letter (one to three
1110, USA; MGPV awards emphasize pages long) by the chief nominator outlining the significance
achievements in geologic and multidisciplinary approaches. and importance of the nominated publication; (2) a copy of the
Geologic work is by nature generalistic and has an important publication; (3) reviews of the publications that have appeared
field component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. Send in journals, newsletters, or books (if any); and (4) one or more
(1) a cover letter from an MGPV Division member, no longer letters from other supporters of the nomination.
than three pages, summarizing the nominee’s most important • Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research: Nominations due
accomplishments in geologic approaches to mineralogy, 1 April; send materials to Anne Chin, anne.chin@ucdenver
geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology. Special attention .edu, including (1) a statement of the significance of the nomi-
should be paid to describing how the nominee’s published work nee’s research; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) letters of support; and
demonstrates field-based multidisciplinary geologic accom- (4) copies of no more than five of the nominee’s most signifi-
plishments of a ground-breaking nature. The letter should cant publications related to desert research. This award recog-
include the name, address, and contact information of the nizes excellence in desert geomorphology research worldwide.
nominator as well as from whom letters of support can be It is intended to stimulate research in desert environments by
expected; (2) a curriculum vitae of the nominee; and (3) three recognizing an individual whose research has significantly
letters of support that can be either from members or non- advanced the understanding of the Quaternary geology and
members of GSA or the MGPV Division. For more information, geomorphology of deserts. Any scientist from any country may
go to be nominated. Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA
members; self-nomination is not permitted. Award funds are
• The MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award will go to administered by the GSA Foundation.
an individual who, throughout his or her career, has made • Distinguished Career Award: Nominations due 1 April; send
distinguished contributions in one or more of the following materials to Sarah Lewis,,
fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or including (1) a brief biographical sketch, (2) a statement of no
volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based more than 200 words describing the candidate’s scientific
contributions. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the contributions to Quaternary geology and geomorphology,
United States, and GSA membership is not required. (3) a selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles, and
(4) a minimum of four letters from colleagues supporting the
• The MGPV Early Career Award will go to an individual near nomination. This award is presented annually to a Quaternary
the beginning of his or her professional career who has made geologist or geomorphologist who has demonstrated excellence
distinguished contributions in one or more of the following in their contributions to science. Neither nominators nor nomi-
fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or nees need be GSA members; self-nomination is not permitted.
volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based
contributions. Nominations are restricted to those who are ■ SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION
within eight years of receiving their final degree. For example,
awards decided before 31 Dec. 2015 will include all candidates • Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology:
whose final degree was awarded no earlier than 1 Jan. 2008. Nominations due 1 March; send materials to Linda Kah,
Extensions of up to two years will be made for nominees who, including (1) a cover letter describing the
have taken career breaks for family reasons or caused by serious nominee’s accomplishments in sedimentary geology and
illness. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United contributions to GSA, (2) a curriculum vitae, and (3) any addi-
States, and GSA membership is not required. tional supporting letters. Nomination materials remain active
for three years. This award is given annually to a sedimentary
■ QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND geologist whose lifetime achievements best exemplify those of
GEOMORPHOLOGY) DIVISION Larry Sloss (i.e., achievements that contribute widely to the field
of sedimentary geology and service to GSA). Award funds are
• Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence: Nominations due administered by the GSA Foundation. Learn more at http://
15 January. Send materials to Sarah Lewis, sarah.lewis@ This award will go to the author or authors of
a published paper of distinction that advances the science of