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    STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS                                     DIVISION
                                                                     • 	 Career Contribution Award: Nominations due 1 March; for
• 	 Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award:           more information, go to
  Nominations due 1 April; for more information, go to http://         CareerAward.htm. This award is for an individual who, This award promotes             throughout his or her career, has made numerous distinguished
  research that combines structural geology and diagenesis and         contributions that have clearly advanced the science of struc-
  also curriculum development in structural diagenesis. It             tural geology or tectonics. Nominees do not need to be U.S.
  addresses the rapidly growing recognition that fracturing,           citizens or residents, and GSA membership is not required.
  cement precipitation and dissolution, evolving rock mechanical       Nominations should include (1) name of nominee, present
  properties, and other structural diagenetic processes can govern     institutional affiliation, and address; (2) summary statement of
  recovery of resources and sequestration of material in deeply        nominee’s major career contributions to the science of struc-
  buried, diagenetically altered and fractured sedimentary rocks.      tural geology and tectonics; (3) selected key published works of
  The award also highlights the growing need to break down             the nominee; and (4) name and address of nominator.
  disciplinary boundaries between structural geology and sedi-
  mentary petrology, as exemplified by the work of Dr. Stephen       • 	 Outstanding Publication Award: Nominations due 1 March;
  Laubach and colleagues. Graduate students, postgraduates, and        for more information, go to
  faculty-level researchers are eligible. Note that the application    BestPaperAward.htm. This award is given annually for a
  includes a budget page; we anticipate giving one award of            published work (paper, book, or map) of exceptional distinction
  US$2500 in 2016.                                                     that clearly advances the science of structural geology or
                                                                       tectonics. Nominations should include (1) a full citation;
                                                                       (2) nomination (as short as a paragraph; letters or reviews may
                                                                       also be included); and (3) name and address of nominator.

                   Mentoring & Travel Grant Program                                                                                      GSA TODAY |

                       Cape Town, South Africa ✸ 27 Aug.–4 Sept. 2016

                                  Application deadline: 20 Feb.

 GSA is accepting applications for the mentoring and travel grant program for the 35th International
Geological Congress (IGC) in Cape Town, South Africa. Students and early career scientists (those
within seven years of receiving their Ph.D.) are welcome to apply.

 Applicants must be residents or citizens of the United States and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S.
institution. Award max.: US$3,500 per awardee. The online application and supplemental material must
be received electronically no later than 20 Feb. Applicants will be notified of the results by 30 April.

 In addition to the online form/résumé, the following supplemental information is required: (a) a cover
letter addressing your reasons for attending the meeting and a prioritized budget of expenses; (b) proof
of abstract submission and a copy of the submitted abstract; and (c) two letters of reference.

 This program is organized in collaboration with the GSA Foundation, the U.S. National Committee for
Geological Sciences (of the National Academy of Sciences), and the American Geosciences Institute.

                   Questions? Please contact Jennifer Nocerino at

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