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Geoscientists Visit Capitol Hill during Annual Outreach Event

                          Elizabeth Goldbaum, GSA Science Policy Fellow                         Susanna Blair. Congressional Science Fellows work for a year as

                            On 29–30 September 2015, geoscientists from across the nation       staff members for members of Congress or congressional
                          visited Capitol Hill to share their research and voice their concern  committees. The fellows shared their experiences and lessons
                          over fizzling federal support for earth sciences with policymakers    learned about effective meetings from their time on the Hill with
                          from states as diverse as Wyoming, Florida, Texas, and California.    the participants.
                          GSA, along with many fellow geoscience societies (www
                ,           Once participants were up to speed on the latest science policy
                          organized this, the 8th Annual Geoscience Congressional Visits        legislation, they had the opportunity to practice their message
                          Day (, or “GeoCVD.”                 with fellow team members. Each team had between two to five
                                                                                                people and was matched with congressional offices from a state
                            Established and emerging geoscientists from academia,               or pair of states, as well as congressional committees. Teams
                          industry, and government attended a workshop and reception on         came up with strategies to find a local, resonating message to
                          29 Sept. to welcome and prepare
                          them to make the most of their visit.                                                                bring to Congress that highlighted
                          The following day they met with                                                                      geoscience research.
                          their representatives, senators, their
                          staffers, and congressional commit-                                                                     For instance, Annika Deurlington, an
                          tees in small teams to talk about how                                                                undergraduate student at Claremont
                          strong federal investment in geosci-                                                                 College who was awarded travel
                          ence research and education can                                                                      funding by GSA’s Cordilleran Section,
                          enhance national security, support                                                                   told Tom McClintock’s (R-CA) office
                          resilient communities, sustain a                                                                     that she appreciated his dedication to
                          highly skilled workforce, and                                                                        finding ways to store water and also
                          strengthen the nation’s global and                                                                   asked him “to promote groundwater
                                                                                                                               storage wherever possible,” Deurlington
                                                                                                                               said in an email.

                          economic competitiveness.                                                                   Representatives Who Support
                          A Crash Course on Current                                                                   Federally Funded Geoscience
                          Science Policy                                                                              Research

                            During the orientation, organizers        GSA Executive Director Vicki McConnell (right)    Participants ended their first day on
                          from the many hosting geoscience         presenting Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR)  Capitol Hill at a reception hosted by the
                          societies gave participants a refresher                                                     USGS Coalition, of which GSA and
                          on how Congress works, focusing on            with the USGS Coalition Leadership Award.     other societies are members.
                          the current status of federal geosci-
                          ence funding. Kasey White, GSA’s                                                              More than 150 people attended the
                          Director for Geoscience Policy,                                                             event, which honored two members for
                                                                                                                      “their efforts to advance the scientific

                          spoke about H.R.1806, the “America COMPETES Reauthorization fields that further our understanding of Earth’s living and non-

                          Act of 2015,” and its stipulations to cut NSF funding for geosci-     living systems,” Robert Gropp, the chairman of the USGS

                          ences, despite increasing overall funding for NSF. White also         Coalition and interim co-executive director of the American

                          detailed cuts to many geoscience research programs at the             Institute of Biological Sciences, said in a statement.

                          Department of Energy contained in the bill. The House passed the        GSA Executive Director Vicki McConnell presented
                          bill back in May 2015. The Senate has been holding roundtables        Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) with the USGS
                          and seeking feedback before releasing a draft bill.                   Coalition Leadership Award and said that Bonamici “really gets

GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016  White also discussed the “NASA Authorization Act of 2016 and it” when it comes to the importance of federally funding geosci-

                          2017 (H.R.2039),” which includes deep authorization cuts to           ence. McConnell commended Bonamici for her work on H.R.34,

                          NASA’s Earth Science Division and cuts to geoscience research in the “Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2015,”

                          the House appropriations bills.                                       which authorizes and strengthens tsunami detection, forecast,

                          Participants heard from current geoscience congressional              warning, research, and mitigation program. In her thanks,

                          fellows, including GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow

      Editor’s note: This article was previously published on GSA’s blog site, Speaking of Geoscience,
      with-public-policy-on-capitol-hill/. Links to more information can be accessed via that post.

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