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geo-resources, stratigraphy, sedimentology, struc-      closely with and providing leadership to various         MS Natural Sciences program. Earth and Space             GSA TODAY |
tural geology and applied geology will receive more     Purdue University Discovery Park Centers (www            Sciences faculty have a strong tradition of incorpo-
favored consideration. Applicants are requested to The successful applicant will           rating both undergraduate and graduate students in
submit the following documents: CV, list of publi-      conduct research, will advise graduate students,         faculty research.
cations, three to five copies of refereed articles      will teach undergraduate and graduate level courses,
published within the last seven years (one of which     and will perform service. The successful applicant          Columbus State University provides a creative,
shall be designated as representative paper and         will be expected to work across these existing areas of  deeply personal and relevant college experience.
must be published after 1stAugust, 2011), plans for     Purdue expertise and build on them with a focus on       Serving the Southeast while attracting students
teaching and research in WORD or PDF files, and         unconventional resources. Applicants should have a       from around the world, Columbus State thrives on
names of three potential referees. Application mate-    vision for the design and execution of a cross-func-     community partnerships to deliver excellence for
rials should be sent to Professor Ya-Hsuan Liou,        tional program that achieves the intended mission as     students who want to achieve personal and profes-
the Chairman of the Searching Committee, by post        described above.                                         sional success in an increasingly global environment.
or emails at Address: Dept. of                                                                Just 100 miles southwest of Atlanta, Columbus
Geosciences, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec.       Interested applicants should visit https://hiring     State University is a proud member of the Univer-
4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan.         ; submit a curriculum vitae, a        sity System of Georgia, enrolling more than 8,400
                                                        research statement, a vision statement, a teaching       students in a wide variety of degree programs, from
   Deadline for application: 15th January 2016. Web     statement, and complete contact information for at       online degrees to a doctorate in education. Among
site:                        least 3 references. Review of applications will begin    public regional universities in the South, Columbus
                                                        January 15, 2016, and continue until the position        State University recently ranked No. 46 in the “Best
                  ENDOWED CHAIR                         is filled. Questions related to this position should     Colleges” rankings by U.S. News & World Report.
         (ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR)                     be sent to Drs. John Cushman or Ken Ridgway,
        OF UNCONVENTIONAL ENERGY                        Co-Chairs of the Search Committee (phone:                   CSU has a nationally recognized track record of
                                                        765-494-3258, email or               partnership and outreach through efforts such as the
               PURDUE UNIVERSITY               Applications will be accepted         Cunningham Center for Leadership Development,
The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary          until the position is filled.                            Coca-Cola Space Science Center, Oxbow Meadows
Sciences at Purdue University invite applications                                                                Environmental Learning Center, and its own resi-
for the Steven and Karen Brand Chair in uncon-             Purdue University is a dynamic, growing               dence—the Spencer House—in Oxford, England.
ventional energy resources. Candidates with a core      university and a great place to work. Our inclusive      The University has two primary campus locations
expertise in unconventional energy with a strong        community of scholars, students and staff impart an      in Columbus, Georgia: the original campus on 150
and consistent track record of applying this exper-     uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute          acres in midtown Columbus and a beautiful campus
tise to unconventional petroleum resources will be      creative ideas to further the university’s mission of    in historic downtown Columbus overlooking the
considered. Candidates with expertise including,        teaching, discovery and engagement.                      Chattahoochee River. The Columbus region, with
but not limited to, unconventional exploration                                                                   more than 350,000 residents, is home to world-class
and production, tight reservoir characterization,          Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer.              enterprises such as Aflac, Synovus, W.C. Bradley
geophysics and seismic data analysis, subsurface        Purdue University is committed to maintaining            Company, TSYS and Ft. Benning, the U.S. Army’s
integration, hydraulic fracture mechanics, pore/        a community which recognizes and values the              Maneuver Center of Excellence headquarters. For
fluid interactions, water and environmental issues,     inherent worth and dignity of every person. In           additional information about the University visit
and enhanced oil and gas recovery are encouraged to     pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the          our website at
apply. Excellence in and/or commitment to multi-        University seeks to develop and nurture diversity.
disciplinary research and teaching is a requirement.    All qualified applicants for employment will receive        Candidates should have an earned doctorate in
It is expected that the candidate hired would signifi-  consideration without regard to race, religion, color,   the broad field of Geoscience prior to the start date
cantly enhance Purdue’s visibility and impact in this   sex, national origin or ancestry, genetic information,   of August 2016. Experience teaching at the baccalau-
key area; increase opportunities for industry collabo-  marital status, parental status, sexual orientation,     reate level is desired.
ration and grant funding; and inspire and train the     gender identity and expression, disability or status
next generation of leaders in the field.                as a veteran.                                               Candidates with interdisciplinary interests are
   This is an open-rank search; senior or mid-career        ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY
scientists with academic, national laboratory, and              COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY                           Review of applications will begin immediately
industry background are all encouraged to apply.                                                                 and will continue until the position has been filled.
Applicant must hold a doctorate in an appropriate       The Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences at Columbus        Applications for part-time and full-time faculty
field; salary and rank are commensurate with quali-     State University invites applications for a tenure-      positions must include transcripts of all academic
fications and experience. The Dept. of Earth, Atmo-     track Assistant Professor position with specialization   work, and official transcripts must be presented
spheric, and Planetary Sciences, and the College of     in Sedimentology/Stratigraphy to begin Fall 2016.        prior to campus visit if selected for interview. Appli-
Science at Purdue embrace diversity and seek candi-                                                              cants must have the ability to meet Southern Asso-
dates who will create a climate that attracts students     Candidates must demonstrate potential for             ciation of Colleges and Schools Commission on
of all races, nationalities, and genders. We strongly   research and effective teaching of university level      Colleges (SACSCOC) requirements, in particular a
encourage women and under-represented minori-           courses. The successful candidate will be expected       minimum of 18 graduate hours in the teaching disci-
ties to apply.                                          to maintain an active research program, including        pline. Columbus State University is an Affirmative
                                                        mentoring graduate and undergraduate students,           Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Committed to
   The department, in collaboration with other          leading to publications in peer-reviewed journals;       Diversity in Hiring.
departments, has expertise in solid earth geophysics    assist with academic advising; and contribute to the
and crustal seismology, fracture mechanics, fluid       service needs of the university. Teaching responsi-         A successful criminal background check will be
flow in porous media, hydrogeology, clay miner-         bilities will include: introductory geology, sedimen-    required as a condition of employment.
alogy and surface chemistry, and basin analysis. The    tary geology, stratigraphy and basin analysis, as well
department has a long tradition of training students    as other undergraduate/graduate courses within the          Required Documents to Submit with Online
for careers in the petroleum industry and is part of a  area of expertise.                                       Application:
new multidisciplinary initiative at Purdue University                                                            • Unofficial Transcripts
aimed at addressing the energy needs of the country        The Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences is strongly     • Cover Letter/Letter of Application
and is affiliated with the newly established Enhanced   interdisciplinary with tracks in Astrophysics and        • Curriculum Vitae
Oil Recovery Laboratory located in Discovery Park.      Planetary Geology, Environmental Science, Geology,       • Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Faculty members have a long history of working          and Secondary Education within the BS Earth and          • Other document 1: Statement of Research Interests
                                                        Space Sciences program, as well as degree tracks in      • Other document 2: Contact information for
                                                        Geoscience and Environmental Science within the
                                                                                                                    3 persons willing to provide letters of reference
                                                                                                                    All applications and required documents must

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