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Graduate Opportunities in Planetary Geology               Although we strongly encourage students with inter-          $7,500. The national scholarship is open to graduate
                                                                                                  at North Carolina State University. The Dept. of          ests in all fields of geoscience to apply, we particu-       students enrolled in an M.S. or Ph.D. program at any
                                                                                                  Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS)            larly encourage students with a strong background            university in the United States. The Nevada stipend
                                                                                                  at North Carolina State University invites applica-       in chemistry as some teaching assignments may                is open to graduate students enrolled in an M.S. or
                                                                                                  tions from prospective M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in        include introductory chemistry laboratory classes.           Ph.D. program at the University of Nevada, Reno.
                                                                                                  the broad field of planetary geology. Opportunities       Summer support is also likely beyond the nine-               Details on application requirements can be found at:
                                                                                                  in the new MEAS Planetary Research Group exist            month academic year. In addition, the geology      
                                                                                                  in particular for tectonic and volcanic compara-          program will consider one or two outstanding Ph.D.           JonathanDavis. Applications must be post-marked
                                                                                                  tive planetology projects, using a combination of         applicants for the recently endowed David More-              by February 17, 2016. Proposals will not be returned.
                                                                                                  analogue modeling, field work, and remote sensing         house Fellowships that will cover full-tuition and           Applications should be addressed to: Executive
                                                                                                  from unmanned aerial systems. Applicants must             a stipend for the first year (12 months) of studies.         Director Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences,
                                                                                                  have a B.S. or M.Sc. in geology or a related discipline;  Faculty and student research covers five broad focus         Attn: Davis Scholarship, Desert Research Institute,
                                                                                                  experience in remote sensing, GIS, and/or fieldwork       areas: Climate and Quaternary Studies, Geoscience            2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, Nevada, 89512
                                                                                                  is desirable. Financial support is available through a    Education, Hydrological Sciences, Microscale and
                                                                                                  combination of research and teaching assistantships.      Mesoscale Meteorology, and Solid Earth Processes.            Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships, Department of
                                                                                                                                                            Information about the graduate program and the               Geological Sciences, The University of Alabama.
                                                                                                     MEAS is one of the largest interdisciplinary           Dept. of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences can             The University of Alabama Dept. of Geological
                                                                                                  geoscience departments in the nation. Review of           be found at Applicants        Sciences seeks highly qualified Ph.D. students with
                                                                                                  applications will begin on January 31, 2016, and          should initially contact individual faculty members          specializations in topics that complement faculty
                                                                                                  initial decisions will be made as early as February       as soon as possible to indicate interest, but should         research interests. Exceptional students will receive
                                                                                                  2016. Information about MEAS, its graduate                do so no later than the university application dead-         Research or Teaching Assistantships and a Lindahl
                                                                                                  programs, and the application procedure can be            line of February 1, 2016. All qualified students will        Scholarship totaling $22,000 for a nine month
                                                                                                  found at Applications can be           receive consideration for acceptance without regard          appointment. The University of Alabama covers
                                                                                                  submitted at             to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability,  the cost of non-resident tuition and fee waivers.
                                                                                                  For more information, prospective applicants can          or protected Veteran status. Questions regarding the         Funding is renewable for at least 4 years if expecta-
                                                                                                  contact Dr. Paul Byrne at            positions should be directed to the Department Chair         tions are met. Other fellowships are available from
                                                                                                                                                            (Bill Simpkins;                          the Graduate School on a competitive basis. Further
                                                                                                  Multiple Graduate Assistantships Available in                                                                          details are at Applicants
                                                                                                  Geology and Meteorology at Iowa State Univer-             The Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship supports grad-             should contact Dr. Delores Robinson (
                                                                                                  sity. Motivated and talented graduate students            uate students working on the Quaternary geology of           to express interest. Review of applications for Fall
                                                                                                  are invited to apply to M.S. and Ph.D. programs           the Great Basin. The national scholarship is $7,500          2016 admission will begin January 15, 2016.
                                                                                                  offered in geology and meteorology to fill multiple       and the University of Nevada, Reno, stipend is
                                                                                                  graduate assistant positions beginning in Fall 2016.

Penrose Conference—Snake River, Twin Falls, Idaho, USA. 9–13 September 2009. Photo by Kea Giles.  The Next Step for Your Annual Meeting Science:                                                                                                                                March 2012 Penrose Conference location: Castelvecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy.

                                                                                                  PENROSE CONFERENCES
                                                                                                  and THOMPSON FIELD FORUMS

                                                                                                     Networking at GSA’s Annual Meetings can be a great catalyst for             Thompson Field Forums are designed to capture the essence of                                   GSA TODAY |
                                                                                                  generating intriguing scientific discussions and field study ideas. That’s  exciting discoveries or controversial topics via forays into the field for
                                                                                                  what GSA’s Penrose Conferences and Thompson Field Forums are for.           on-the-spot discussions of a particular geologic feature or area. This is
                                                                                                                                                                              both an opportunity to get out into the field and to bring together
                                                                                                     Penrose Conferences have a long history of bringing together multi-      experts on the topic at hand to exchange current knowledge, ideas,
                                                                                                  disciplinary groups of geoscientists to facilitate open and frank discus-   and theories.
                                                                                                  sions of ideas in an intimate, informal atmosphere and to inspire
                                                                                                  individual and collaborative research.                                                                Learn more at:

                                                                                                                                                                                           or contact Becky Sundeen at

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