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GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  courses, Sed/Strat, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology,             CSU has a nationally recognized track record of       serves as both the state geologic survey of Nevada
                                                            Soils, GIS, and courses in one’s area of expertise.       partnership and outreach through efforts such as the     and as a research department in the UNR College
                                                            Contributing to the department’s field courses will       Cunningham Center for Leadership Development,            of Science. Faculty at NBMG have tenure-track
                                                            be expected. Preference will be given to candidates       Coca-Cola Space Science Center, Oxbow Meadows            academic appointments, with both research and
                                                            with a background in Quaternary processes and             Environmental Learning Center, and its own resi-         teaching obligations.
                                                            who have demonstrated a willingness and ability           dence—the Spencer House—in Oxford, England.
                                                            to work with students from diverse backgrounds.           The University has two primary campus locations             Position Responsibilities: Primary responsibili-
                                                            The successful candidate will be expected to work         in Columbus, Georgia: the original campus on 150         ties of this position include development of produc-
                                                            closely with the university’s environmental science       acres in midtown Columbus and a beautiful campus         tive externally funded, research programs in the field
                                                            program and to develop a strong research program          in historic downtown Columbus overlooking the            of structural geology. Research will focus on struc-
                                                            involving undergraduates. Completion of the PhD is        Chattahoochee River. The Columbus region, with           tural geology as it relates to the tectonic evolution of
                                                            required at the time of appointment. An application       more than 350,000 residents, is home to world-class      Nevada, utilizing innovative approaches to detailed
                                                            that includes a cover letter, cv, statements of teaching  enterprises such as Aflac, Synovus, W.C. Bradley         geologic mapping, structural analysis of faults and
                                                            philosophy and research interests, and contact infor-     Company, TSYS and Ft. Benning, the U.S. Army’s           folds, and geochronology. The successful candi-
                                                            mation for three references should be emailed as a        Maneuver Center of Excellence headquarters. For          date will also be expected to contribute to under-
                                                            single pdf to Nick Lang PhD (nlang@mercyhurst.            additional information about the University visit        standing natural resources and geologic hazards in
                                                            edu). Applications must be received by February           our website at                    the context of structural settings and deformational
                                                            1st, 2016 to receive full consideration. Mercyhurst                                                                events. Duties will include supervising graduate
                                                            University is an equal opportunity employer who              Candidates should have an earned doctorate in         students and teaching courses in the candidate’s area
                                                            encourages members of diverse groups to apply.            the broad field of Earth Science, Hydrology, Envi-       of expertise within the Dept. of Geological Sciences
                                                            More information about Mercyhurst may be found            ronmental Science, or Engineering prior to the start     and Engineering (DGSE).
                                                            at:                           date of August 2016. Experience teaching at the
                                                                                                                      baccalaureate level is desired.                             Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctorate
                                                              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HYDROLOGY                                                                                 in geology or a related geoscience field by the time
                                                                    COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY                            Candidates with interdisciplinary interests are       of hire and a demonstrated record of research on
                                                                                                                      preferred.                                               topics related to Structural Geology, as indicated by
                                                            The Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences at Columbus                                                                  dissertation research, industry experience, and/or
                                                            State University invites applications for a tenure-          Review of applications will begin immediately         peer-reviewed publications. The successful candi-
                                                            track Assistant Professor position with a specializa-     and will continue until the position has been filled.    date must also have experience in field-oriented
                                                            tion in Hydrology/Hydrogeology to begin Fall 2016.        Applications for part-time and full-time faculty         research and a desire to conduct such research on
                                                                                                                      positions must include transcripts of all academic       future projects. Expertise in geologic mapping,
                                                               Candidates must demonstrate potential for              work, and official transcripts must be presented         fault kinematics, rock mechanics, and/or geochro-
                                                            research and effective teaching of university level       prior to campus visit if selected for interview. Appli-  nology will be valued. Excellent communication
                                                            courses. The successful candidate will be expected        cants must have the ability to meet Southern Asso-       skills, as demonstrated in written application mate-
                                                            to maintain an active research program, including         ciation of Colleges and Schools Commission on            rials; commitment to public service; potential for,
                                                            mentoring graduate and undergraduate students,            Colleges (SACSCOC) requirements, in particular a         or established record of publications; and ability to
                                                            leading to publications in peer-reviewed journals;        minimum of 18 graduate hours in the teaching disci-      attract funding are essential. We encourage candi-
                                                            assist with academic advising; and contribute to the      pline. Columbus State University is an Affirmative       dates to explain achievable plans for funded research
                                                            service needs of the university. Teaching responsibil-    Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Committed to          on Nevada-focused topics in Structural Geology in
                                                            ities will include: introductory geology and/or envi-     Diversity in Hiring.                                     their letters of interest.
                                                            ronmental science courses in addition to hydrology/
                                                            hydrogeology, as well as other undergraduate/                A successful criminal background check will be           Salary and Date of Appointment: The posi-
                                                            graduate courses within the area of expertise.            required as a condition of employment.                   tion will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at
                                                                                                                                                                               the assistant professor level with an academic-year
                                                               The Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences is strongly         Required Documents to Submit with Online              base salary that is competitive with other research
                                                            interdisciplinary with tracks in Astrophysics and         Application                                              universities. Starting date will be July 1, 2016 or
                                                            Planetary Geology, Environmental Science, Geology,        • Unofficial Transcripts                                 shortly thereafter, depending on availability of the
                                                            and Secondary Education within the BS Earth and           • Cover Letter/Letter of Application                     successful candidate.
                                                            Space Sciences program, as well as degree tracks in       • Curriculum Vitae
                                                            Geoscience and Environmental Science within the           • Statement of Teaching Philosophy                          To apply, please visit: https://www.unrsearch
                                                            MS Natural Sciences program. Earth and Space              • Other document 1: Statement of Research Interests      .com/postings/19454. Please submit a letter
                                                            Sciences faculty have a strong tradition of incorpo-      • Other document 2: Contact information for 3            expressing your interest in the position and research
                                                            rating both undergraduate and graduate students in                                                                 plans; names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses,
                                                            faculty research.                                            persons willing to provide letters of reference       and telephone numbers of at least three references;
                                                                                                                         All applications and required documents must          a complete curriculum vitae; and electronic copies
                                                               Columbus State University provides a creative,         be submitted using the Columbus State University’s       of up to three of your publications to http://jobs.unr
                                                            deeply personal and relevant college experience.          online employment site. To access the Columbus           .edu/. Application deadline is February 1, 2016. For
                                                            Serving the Southeast while attracting students           State University’s online employment site, please        further information about NBMG, please consult
                                                            from around the world, Columbus State thrives             visit             our website (
                                                            on community partnerships to deliver excel-                  If you have any questions, please contact Dr.
                                                            lence for students who want to achieve personal           Troy Keller, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences,             EEO/AA. Women, under-represented groups,
                                                            and professional success in an increasingly global        Columbus State University, 4225 University Avenue,       individuals with disabilities, and veterans are
                                                            environment. Just 100 miles southwest of Atlanta,         Columbus, GA 31907; or e-mail to keller_troy@            encouraged to apply.
                                                            Columbus State University is a proud member of  
                                                            the University System of Georgia, enrolling more                                                                                   FACULTY POSITIONS
                                                            than 8,400 students in a wide variety of degree                         ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES
                                                            programs, from online degrees to a doctorate in                             (TENURE TRACK)                                NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY
                                                            education. Among public regional universities                                                                      The Dept. of Geosciences at NTU is seeking active
                                                            in the South, Columbus State University recently                        STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                         scientists to fill faculty positions starting from 1st
                                                            ranked No. 46 in the “Best Colleges” rankings by          NEVADA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY                       August 2016.The positions are open to all fields
                                                            U.S. News & World Report.                                 The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)            in geosciences, but those who have strong back-
                                                                                                                      at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) seeks            ground in the fields of mineralogy and petrology,
                                                                                                                      applicants with expertise in field-oriented structural
                                                                                                                      geology. NBMG is a public service unit of UNR and

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