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GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  be submitted using the Columbus State University’s        contact the search chair, Amy Weislogel, at Paleobi-       Opportunities for Students
                                                            online employment site. To access the Columbus   or (304) 293-6721.
                                                            State University’s online employment site, please                                                                    Ph.D. Fellowships in Hydrologic Sciences at the
                                                            visit                Quantitative Structural Geology or Geome-               University of Nevada Reno and the Desert Research
                                                                                                                      chanics: We seek to hire a full-time (9-month),            Institute. The Graduate Program of Hydrologic
                                                               If you have any questions, please contact Dr.          tenure-track Assistant Professor specializing in           Sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno and the
                                                            David Schwimmer, Dept. of Earth and Space                 quantitative structural geology with interests in the      Desert Research Institute seeks Ph.D. candidates in
                                                            Sciences, Columbus State University, 4225                 study of fractured reservoirs and geomechanics.            hydrology and hydrogeology to fill graduate teaching
                                                            University Avenue, Columbus, GA 31907; Phone:             The successful candidate will be expected to develop       and research assistant positions beginning in Fall
                                                            706-569-3028; or e-mail to schwimmer_david@               a vigorous externally-funded research program,             2016. Three year research fellowships are available
                                                                                          teach undergraduate classes in structural geology or       for a wide range of topics, including effects of halo-
                                                                                                                      geomechanics, teach graduate courses in the area of        phytic plants on soil quality; climate patterns and
                                                                 FULL TIME, ASSISTANT RESEARCHER                      his/her expertise, and mentor graduate and under-          tree rings; groundwater residence times and aquatic
                                                                        (COLLECTION MANAGER)                          graduate students. Candidates should demonstrate           ecology of springs; snow ecohydrology; and Nevada
                                                                                                                      potential to establish a strong externally-funded          water resources. Details are available at http://www
                                                                     KU BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE                        research program, publish in peer-reviewed jour- 
                                                            The KU Biodiversity Institute seeks a full time Assis-    nals, and excel in teaching at the undergraduate
                                                            tant Researcher (Collection Manager) to oversee           and graduate levels. To apply, please visit jobs.wvu.      New Mexico Highlands University, Graduate
                                                            its world-class collections of invertebrate fossils.      edu and navigate to the position title listed above.       Assistantship. Graduate assistantships are avail-
                                                            Required qualifications include master’s degree in        Upload (1) a single PDF file containing a curriculum       able for students wishing to pursue an MS in
                                                            museum studies, geology, systematics, or paleon-          vitae, statement of research interests, statement          Geology beginning Fall 2016 term. The NMHU
                                                            tology, knowledge of invertebrate fossil taxonomy         of teaching philosophy, and names, titles, and full        Environmental Geology Program strengths are in
                                                            and identification, knowledge of care and manage-         contact information for 3 references; and (2) PDF          mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, rock-paleo-
                                                            ment of natural history collections, and familiarity      files of up to 3 publications. In addition, arrange for    magnetism, structural geology, volcanology, and
                                                            with biodiversity informatics. For additional infor-      3 letters of reference to be sent to Geomechanics@         collaborative endeavors with the Forestry and the
                                                            mation and complete application instructions please For additional information, please           New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration
                                                            visit KU          see or contact              Institute. The NSF-Funded Paleomagnetism-Rock
                                                            is an EO/AAE. All qualified applicants will receive       the search chair, Dengliang Gao, at Geomechanics@          Magnetism, Powder X-Ray Diffraction, and Water
                                                            consideration for employment without regard to   or (304) 293-3310.                            Chemistry laboratories support wide-ranging
                                                            race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age,                                                               analytical research. The NMHU campus in Las
                                                            national origin, disability, genetic information or          Teaching Assistant Professor of Geology: We             Vegas, New Mexico, is situated at the boundary of
                                                            protected Veteran status. Review begins 1 Feb. 2016.      seek to hire a full-time (9-month), non-tenure             the Great Plains and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains
                                                                                                                      track Teaching Assistant Professor. The successful         and is located within one to two hours from Ceno-
                                                                     THREE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        candidate will teach a variety of undergraduate            zoic volcanic fields, Precambrian rock exposures,
                                                             POSITIONS, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY &                       courses, including both large introductory and             glaciated valleys, desert terrains, and several world-
                                                            GEOGRAPHY, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY                       smaller upper-division classes, in the classroom and       renowned geologic features - the Valles Caldera,
                                                                                                                      online, and the field component of the B.S. capstone       the Rio Grande Rift, and the Harding Pegmatite. A
                                                               The Dept. of Geology and Geography at West             course, Geology Field Camp (the last with an addi-         low student:faculty ratio, state-of-the art laboratory
                                                            Virginia University seeks to fill three geology faculty   tional summer stipend). Specialty area is open.            facilities, and committed faculty provide students
                                                            positions. Applicants should have a PhD or equiva-        Teaching Assistant Professors at WVU are eligible          with a superior learning experience. The graduate
                                                            lent degree in geology, earth science or related field    for promotion; however, promotion to senior ranks          assistantship includes a nine-month stipend and
                                                            by the start date. Review of applications for all posi-   is not a requirement for institutional commitment          tuition waiver per academic year. Application review
                                                            tions will begin January 15, 2016 and continue until      and career stability. This position is a nine-month        begins 03/16/16. For more information, contact Dr.
                                                            each position is filled; start date for all positions is  renewable appointment (no maximum number                   Michael Petronis, Environmental Geology, Natural
                                                            August 15, 2016.                                          of terms) and includes full benefits. The position         Resource Management Dept., New Mexico High-
                                                                                                                      carries an 80% teaching (4 courses per semester)           lands University, Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico
                                                               Paleobiology: We seek to hire a full-time              and 20% service assignment. The successful candi-          87701, For disabled access or
                                                            (9-month), tenure-track Assistant Professor special-      date will join a faculty that takes great pride in         services call 505-454-3513 or TDD# 505-454-3003.
                                                            izing in Paleobiology, which could include exper-         having members recognized at the university, state,        AA/EOE Employer.
                                                            tise in Invertebrate or Vertebrate Paleontology,          and national levels for excellence in teaching. The
                                                            Micropaleontology, Paleoecology, Paleobotany/             Department occupies the recently renovated Brooks          Graduate Student Opportunities, Ohio University.
                                                            Palynology, Ichnology, or related fields. The             Hall with state-of-the-art teaching technologies and       The Dept. of Geological Sciences at Ohio University
                                                            successful candidate will be expected to develop a        facilities. To apply for this position, interested candi-  invites applications to its graduate program for the
                                                            vigorous externally-funded research program, teach        dates should visit and navigate to the        Fall of 2016. The department offers an MS degree
                                                            core undergraduate classes in paleontology, graduate      position title listed above. Upload a single PDF file      in Geological Sciences and areas of emphasis within
                                                            courses in the area of his/her expertise, and mentor      containing a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching       three research clusters: paleobiology and sedimen-
                                                            graduate and undergraduate students. Candidates           interests and philosophy, teaching evaluations as          tary geology, solid earth and planetary dynamics,
                                                            should demonstrate potential to establish a strong        available, and full contact information for 3 refer-       and environmental and surficial processes. Prospec-
                                                            externally-funded research program, publish in            ences. In addition, please arrange for three letters       tive students are encouraged to contact faculty
                                                            peer-reviewed journals, and excel in teaching at the      of reference to be sent directly to GeologyTAP@            directly to discuss potential research topics. Quali-
                                                            undergraduate and graduate levels. To apply, please For additional information, please           fied students are eligible to receive teaching or
                                                            visit and navigate to the position title     see or contact the            research assistantships that carry a full tuition
                                                            listed above. Upload (1) a single PDF file containing     search chair, Thomas Kammer, at GeologyTAP@                scholarship and a competitive stipend. For addi-
                                                            a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, or (304) 293-9663.                            tional program and application information, visit
                                                            statement of teaching philosophy, and names, titles,                                                                 the department website at
                                                            and full contact information for 3 references; and           WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer and           cas/geology or contact the graduate chair, Dr. Alycia
                                                            (2) PDF files of up to 3 publications. In addition,       welcomes applications from all qualified individuals,      Stigall ( Review of applications
                                                            arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to Paleo-   including minorities, females, individuals with disabil-   begins 1 February.
                                                   For additional informa-             ities, and veterans. For additional information about
                                                            tion, please see or        the department visit

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