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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2016  T9. 	 Fostering Cultures of Deliberate Inclusion in Geosciences.      4. 	 The Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk Groups in and around
                                 Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education Division;                    San Antonio. Sun., 12 March, 8 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Cost: $116;
                                 International Association for Geoscience Diversity. Principal        includes transportation in minibuses, field guidebook, break-
                                 organizer: Stephen K. Boss, Univ. of Arkansas, sboss@uark.           fast, lunch box, and refreshments (water, soda). Cosponsored
                                 edu.                                                                 by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Principal organizers:
                                                                                                      Alexis Godet, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, alexis.godet@
                           T10. 	Late Paleozoic Tectonic Framework of the South-Central     ; John Cooper, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, jcgolf
                                 Region and Evolution of the Permian Basin. Cosponsored     
                                 by GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. Principal
                                 organizer: Robert Stern, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, rjstern@     5. 	 Cretaceous Sedimentary Succession, Dinosaur Tracksites,
                                                                               and Structural Geology of the Canyon Lake Gorge and
                                                                                                      Heritage Museum of the Hill Country. Sun., 12 March,
                           T11. 	Petroleum and Water Interactions in Mexico’s South-                  7 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $110; includes guidebook, transporta-
                                 Central Region. Cosponsored by GSA International                     tion, lunch, and entry fees. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary
                                 Interdisciplinary Interest Group. Principal organizer: Antonio       Geology Division. Principal organizer: Marina Suarez, Univ.
                                 Cardona, Oklahoma State Univ., antonio.cardona_benavides@            of Texas at San Antonio,
                                                                                                 6. 	 Precambrian Geology of the Western Llano Uplift. Sat.,
                           T12. 	Upper Crustal Deformation across Continental Interiors               11 March, 8 a.m. to Sun., 12 March, 5 p.m. Cost: $250;
                                 from the Mesozoic to the Present. Cosponsored by GSA                 includes guidebook, transportation, lunch, and one night
                                 Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. Principal orga-           lodging. Principal organizer: Mark Helper, University of
                                 nizer: Keith Gray, Wichita State Univ.,         Texas at Austin,

                           T13. 	Texas Water Research Network: A Statewide Initiative to         7. 	 Cambrian Microbialites and Associated Marine Facies,
                                 Integrate and Advance Water Research from Inception to               Llano River, Mason County. Fri.–Sun., 10–12 March, depart
                                 Application. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division;               5:30 p.m. on Fri.; return 5 p.m. on Sun. Cost: $380; includes
                                 GSA Karst Division. Principal organizer: Suzanne A. Pierce,          transportation, refreshments, guidebook, kayak rental, and
                                 Texas Advanced Computing Center,           lodging at the Honey Creek Ranch on the Llano River. Meals
                                                                                                      are covered by participants at local restaurants. Cosponsored
                           T14. 	Groundwater Availability in Texas: Rule of Capture and               by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Principal organizer:
                                 Sustainable to Consensus Yield. Cosponsored by GSA                   Andre Droxler, Rice Univ.,
                                 Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division. Principal
                                 organizer: Brian Hunt, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer           OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
                                 Conservation District,
                                                                                                 Presentation Awards
                           T15. 	Undergraduate Students (Posters). Cosponsored by Council
                                 on Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division. Principal         Awards for the best student posters and papers are supported
                                 organizer: Elizabeth A. Heise, School of Earth,                 by the GSA South-Central Section. To be eligible, students must be
                                 Environmental and Marine Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Rio        lead authors and presenters, and should be capable of answering
                                 Grande Valley,                       detailed questions about their research. These awards will be
                                                                                                 announced during the Tuesday afternoon reception.
                           FIELD TRIPS
                                                                                                 Student Travel Grants
                             For additional information, please contact the field trip chair,
                           Dan Lehrmann,; contact the trip leaders;        Deadline: 13 Feb. 2017
                           or check the meeting website. All trips depart from the Omni            Students who are GSA members and who register for the meeting
                           Hotel at the Colonnade unless otherwise noted.
                                                                                                 are eligible to apply for student travel grants. For further informa-
                           1. 	 The Edwards Aquifer—A Groundwater System Under                   tion see
                                Stress. Sat., 11 March, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $66; includes
                                transportation, lunch, and guidebook. Cosponsored by GSA         Mentor Programs
                                Karst Division. Principal organizer: Geary Schindel, Edwards
                                Aquifer Authority,                   For more information, go to, or
                                                                                                 contact Jennifer Nocerino at
                           2. 	 South-Central Texas Underground. Sun., 12 March, 11:30
                                a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $20; includes transportation and all lights,   Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience Luncheon.
                                helmets, gloves, and kneepads for the trip. Cosponsored by       Mon., 13 March, noon–1:30 p.m. Students will have the opportu-
                                GSA Karst Division. Principal organizer: Geary Schindel,         nity to discuss career prospects and challenges with professional
                                Edwards Aquifer Authority,          geoscientists from multiple disciplines over a FREE lunch.

                           3. 	 Hydrogeology of Major Trinity Aquifer Springs in the             John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program
                                Blanco River Basin. Sun., 12 March, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $95;     Luncheon. Tues., 14 March, noon–1:30 p.m. Students interested in
                                includes guidebook, transportation, refreshments, and lunch.     applied hydrogeology or hydrology as a career will have the opportu-
                                Cosponsored by GSA Karst Division. Principal organizer:          nity to network with professionals in these fields over a FREE lunch.
                                Marcus Gary, Edwards Aquifer Authority, mgary@

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