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Geoscience Career Workshops                                         LOCAL COMMITTEE
                                                                    General Chair: Ben Surpless,
  For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@     Technical Chair: David Turner,                                                     Field Trip and Workshop Chair: Dan Lehrmann, dlehrmann@
Geoscience Career Workshop Part 1: Career Planning and              Exhibits: Ben Surpless,
Informational Interviewing. Your job-hunting process should         Sponsorship: Bob Stern,
begin with career planning, not when you apply for jobs. This
workshop will help you begin this process and will introduce you
to informational interviewing.

Geoscience Career Workshop Part 2: Geoscience Career
Exploration. What do geologists in various sectors earn? What do
they do? What are the pros and cons?

Geoscience Career Workshop Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés,
and CVs. How do you prepare a cover letter? Does your résumé
need a good edit? Learn how to prepare the best résumé possible
and avoid typical pitfalls.

Early Career Professional Focus Group

  Have you graduated in the last five years and are either a
working professional or still looking for a job? GSA would like to
support you in pursuing your professional goals. During this
45-minute session participants will be asked a series of questions
regarding potential programming and activities that GSA could
offer to help you reach your goals. For more information, contact
Tahlia Bear at

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