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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2016   2015–2016 GSA-USGS Congressional                                          Senator Edward J. Markey’s (D-MA) office, where I served as the
                            Science Fellow Final Report                                               GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow, has contributed to the
                                                                                                      creation of this new bill. In my role as a Fellow I had the opportu-
                                 Geoscience                                                           nity to work on this legislation and draft the Senator’s statements
                                 COMPETES                                                             for hearings.

                               Karen Paczkowski                                                         During a hearing on 11 May 2016, Senator Markey stated, “Our
                                                                                                      funding decisions for basic science research should be guided by
                                 The America COMPETES Act (Creating Opportunities to                  the possibilities promised by science and technology, and not by
                              Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and           politics. A recent version of COMPETES, released and passed by
                              Science) was introduced in 2007 in response to the National             Republicans over in the House, has singled out certain sciences as
                              Academies of Science report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm:         winners and other sciences as losers, authorizing funding
                              Engaging and Employing America for a Brighter Economic                  increases for the former and decreases for the later. This narrow
                              Future.” The report warned that the U.S. was falling behind other       view of the scientific process ignores how advances in one area of
                              countries in federal science, technology, engineering, and math-        science drive breakthroughs in seemingly unrelated fields. Science
                              ematics (STEM) investment, and that America’s position as a             operates in a complex research ecosystem, and legislation should
                              global leader in discovery and innovation was eroding.                  support the full range of scientific inquiry.” Senator Markey also
                                                                                                      entered two letters into the congressional record. The first letter,
                                 The America COMPETES Act set visionary goals for STEM                signed by 100 universities, research institutions, and scientific
                              research and education, recognizing that U.S. leadership in             professional societies, and the second letter written by 19 geosci-
                              discovery and innovation depends on robust support for basic            ence organizations including GSA, the American Geophysical
                              science research. The act set in motion a plan to double the            Union, and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
                              funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF), National             both provide concrete examples of how geoscience plays an essen-
                              Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Department            tial role in tackling national challenges in water and mineral
                              of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by 2017. COMPETES passed              resources, energy independence, environmental issues, Earth’s
                              with overwhelming bipartisan support in both the U.S. Senate            climate and ocean system, and mitigation of natural hazards. By
                              and the House of Representatives. However, actual funding levels        entering these letters into the congressional record during the
                              have fallen far short of the act’s original visionary trajectory, and   hearing, Senator Markey highlighted the important role geosci-
                              since the law’s expiration in 2013, Congress has been deeply            ence plays in the U.S. innovation ecosystem and economic health.
                              divided on a new authorization bill.
                                                                                                        On 22 June 2016, the Senate revision of COMPETES was released.
                                 One particular sticking point has been the proposal to give          The bill, renamed the American Innovation and Competitiveness
                              Congress more direct control over funding of NSF directorates.          Act (S. 3084), took the findings the Senate had gathered from the
                              A new version of COMPETES introduced in 2015 in the House               STEM research, education, and industry communities and laid
                              would reduce funding for the geosciences and social sciences, while     out a bipartisan vision for U.S. STEM research and education. It
                              other sciences would see funding increases. In response, the Senate     authorizes a 4% annual funding increase for basic STEM research,
                              instead drafted a bill to recapture the original vision of the 2007     in alignment with the American Innovation Imperative, a call to
                              COMPETES Act. A bipartisan Innovation and Competitiveness               action led by nine large U.S. corporations and signed by more
                              Working Group held a series of stakeholder roundtables to explore       than 500 leading organizations from American industry, higher
                              federal research and development policy priorities. The working         education, and science and engineering organizations. The bill
                              group was led by Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Gary Peters           also defends the NSF peer review process as a gold standard and
                              (D-MI), both members of the Senate Committee on Commerce,               authorizes programs to improve tech-to-market transfer and
                              Science, and Transportation, which is the Committee responsible         manufacturing practices to get more American discoveries out of
                              for reauthorizing funding levels and policy directions for the federal  the lab and into people’s lives.
                              agencies covered by COMPETES.
                                                                                                        Working with Massachusetts’ constituents like the Museum of
                                 U.S. STEM research and education has been a key cause of mine        Science in Boston, Senator Markey’s office noticed that although the
                              since my earliest forays into policy as a graduate student, and         bill supported STEM education in university settings, it lacked a
                                                                                                      section highlighting the importance of informal STEM education.
                         18                                                                           Informal STEM education is an important gateway for inspiring
                                                                                                      individuals to pursue careers in STEM fields, and is especially
                                                                                                      important for the geosciences. My own dedication to under-
                                                                                                      standing the natural world began at a young age with visits to
                                                                                                      museums and parks, and exploring the outdoors. Through
                                                                                                      Senator Markey’s office, I worked closely with the Museum of
                                                                                                      Science, committee staff, and legislative counsel to draft an
                                                                                                      amendment to the American Innovation and Competitiveness
                                                                                                      Act. The amendment allows NSF to support programs like the
                                                                                                      National Informal STEM Education (NISE) Network, a successful,
                                                                                                      decade-long program that has connected over 500 organizations
                                                                                                      by pairing informal STEM education organizations with cutting-
                                                                                                      edge research institutions to ensure the public gets the most
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