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2015–2016 GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow Report
GSA TODAY | JULY 2016 “If you’re not at the table, Record, including a congratulatory message to the MIT LIGO
gravity waves detection team. Our office used the discovery to high-
you’re on the menu.” light the importance of basic science research funding provided by
the National Science Foundation. I also help write the Senator’s
Karen Paczkowski remarks for STEM events, including a recent event on increasing the
involvement of women in STEM fields.
Solving our nation’s toughest challenges requires a coordinated
effort between scientific knowledge, effective legislation, and One of my most exciting tasks has been drafting legislation. On
sound policy. As a society, we must decide how to protect and 18 Sept. 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that
sustainably use our natural resources, how to mitigate and adapt Volkswagen had been using defeat devices to circumvent emission
to natural hazards, and how to secure our energy supply. test requirements on 500,000 U.S. vehicles. These defeat devices
Geoscience has an important role to play in deciding the answers allowed Volkswagen (VW) vehicles to emit up to 40 times the
to these challenging questions. nitrogen oxide (NOx) allowable under U.S. law.
Using geoscience to inform policy has been a constant thread In response to the VW Diesel Scandal, I helped write the
through my career. As a graduate student, I participated in several CLEANUP Act. CLEAN-UP is an acronym for Compensating
Geoscience and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math- Losses to the Environment from Automobiles with Noxious
ematics) Congressional Visits Days (CVDs). CVDs are two-day Undisclosed Pollution. The CLEANUP Act holds VW and other
events where scientists from around the county travel to D.C. to automakers accountable to the American public for fraudulently
meet with their congressional representatives. In my own face-to- circumventing U.S. emissions laws. It ensures that automakers
face meetings with congressional offices and committees, I stressed aren’t allowed to benefit from Corporate Average Fuel Economy
the importance of federally funded basic science research by empha- (CAFE) credits awarded as a result of illegal behavior. The
sizing the societal impacts of my own research, the societal benefits CLEANUP Act denies CAFE credits to any auto manufacturer
of geoscience as a field, and the value of geoscience education. CVDs that circumvents emissions control requirements and allows the
send a powerful reminder to policymakers of the need not only to Department of Transportation to collect additional penalties from
support geoscience programs verbally, but to support them finan- automakers that obtain the credits fraudulently. Penalties from
cially as well. There’s an old saying in Washington: “If you’re not at violations are diverted to programs that clean up the air, including
the table, you’re on the menu.” investments in electric vehicle fueling stations, retrofitting school
buses to reduce air emissions, purchasing zero-emitting cars for
I believe these CVD visits had an effect on policymakers, and I municipal fleets, or providing grants for projects to improve air
know they had an effect on me. I discovered that my geoscience quality in low-income communities.
background could be used to help tackle national challenges by using
science to develop better policy. After finishing my Ph.D. in The senator, my fellow staffers, and I developed the ideas behind
geophysics, I made the leap into science policy through the GSA this bill and worked with legislative counsel to formalize the bill’s
Science Policy Fellowship. I worked as a liaison between scientists language. The bill circulated with a one-page summary (referred to
and policymakers in GSA’s Government Affairs Office in D.C. as a one-pager) that explains what the bill does without the legal
Through this position, I gained valuable hands-on experience in key language. We also drafted a “Dear Colleague” letter asking other
geoscience topics and insight into the inner workings of D.C. senators to cosponsor the bill. I dropped off the bill in the Capitol on
25 February, and it now awaits markup in the Senate’s Committee
I am honored to serve as the 2015–2016 GSA-USGS Congressional on Environment and Public Works.
Science Fellow. This past September, I joined 200 other scientists and
engineers as part of the incoming class of American Association for As the GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow, I now sit on the
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy other side of the table, meeting with constituents and stakeholders
Fellows. The fellowship began with a two-week whirlwind orienta- on topics in my portfolio. I particularly enjoy meeting with geoscien-
tion to science policy. Senators, representatives, judges, diplomats, tists during CVDs and hearing about the exciting, important
and many others were brought in to impart their wisdom to the new research in our field. I’m happy to have found my place at the table,
class of fellows. After the training, I interviewed with a broad range and I encourage all geoscientists to participate in science policy.
of offices, including Representatives, Senators, and committees, Together, we can tackle our nation’s toughest challenges. Please feel
before accepting an offer to serve in the office of Massachusetts free to contact me if you have any questions. I’m always happy to talk
Senator Edward J. Markey. about the intersection between science and policy, and am eager to
help scientists find their own seat at the table.
I work for the Senator on a broad range of topics, including energy,
the environment, and STEM research and education. I draft state- The manuscript is submitted for publication by Karen Paczkowski,
ments and questions for congressional hearings in the Environment 2015–2016 GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow, with the under-
and Public Works Committee and the Commerce, Science and standing that the U.S. government is authorized to reproduce and
Transportation Committee. I accompany the Senator to these hear- distribute reprints for governmental use. The one-year fellowship is
ings, helping him react in real-time to comments made by witnesses supported by GSA and the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the
and other Senators. I also draft Statements for the Congressional Interior, under Assistance Award No. G15AP00128. The views and
48 conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and
should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies,
either expressed or implied, of the U.S. government. Paczkowski works
in the office of Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and can be
contacted by e-mail at