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GSA Position Statement Revisions

  The Geological Society of America (GSA) Council approved        Expanding and Improving Geoscience in Higher Education               GSATODAY | Position Statement Revisions
minor revisions to five position statements at its spring 2016
meeting. In addition to the summary statements on this page,        GSA affirms the need for strong support for geoscience
full versions of these and all position statements are online at  departments and programs at all institutions of higher In addition, a new Critical        learning. Robust geoscience programs equip students with the
Issue on Induced Seismicity was created and the Hydraulic         scientific literacy required to address crucial societal issues and
Fracturing Critical Issue has been updated. GSA members are       planetary challenges, including the rising demand for minerals
encouraged to use the statements as geoscience communication      and energy, guaranteeing ample supplies of clean water,
tools when interacting with policy makers, students, colleagues,  protecting communities from natural hazards, managing soils
and the general public.                                           to ensure secure food supplies and resilient infrastructure, the
                                                                  opportunities and threats from a changing ocean, confronting
Diversity in the Geosciences Community                            climate variability, and managing waste to maintain a healthy
                                                                  environment. Providing geoscience instruction that is acces-
  GSA affirms the value of diverse scientific ideas and the       sible to all higher education students is vital to developing the
connection between diverse scientific ideas and a diverse group   scientific literacy that all of society needs in order to address
of contributors of those ideas, including those who comment       the significant challenges facing the planet.
and criticize.
                                                                  The Importance of Teaching Earth Science
Public Investment in Earth Science Research
                                                                    GSA recognizes that basic knowledge of Earth science is
  GSA supports strong and growing public investments in           essential to meeting the environmental challenges and natural
earth-science research. Earth-science research requires           resource limitations of the twenty‐first century. It is critical
substantial increases in public funding from all levels of        that earth-science education begin at the kindergarten level and
government to promote the general welfare of all citizens; to     include advanced offerings at the secondary school level, and
ensure the health, vitality, and security of society; and to      that highly qualified earth-science teachers provide the instruc-
provide sound stewardship of Earth. These investments address     tion. GSA recommends that the study of earth science be an
such issues as energy and mineral resources, water resources,     integral component of science education in public and private
climate change, and natural hazards. Earth-science research       schools at all levels, from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
forms the basis for training and educating the next generation
of earth-science professionals.

Role of Government in Energy and Mineral Resources

  GSA strongly advocates that sound scientific knowledge
guide public decisions about the exploration, exploitation, and
stewardship of finite energy and mineral resources. Sustaining
and enhancing that knowledge requires more public invest-
ment in energy and mineral resource research, education, and

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