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Silvia Ramos-Hernandez of the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes  in the annual CARIBE WAVE exercise in tsunami preparedness                           GSA TODAY |
        de Chiapas leads a field trip to examine fluvial and coastal   throughout the Caribbean. Through the persistent determination
        stratigraphy along the Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico.       of its staff and founders, I have every reason to expect that by my
                                                                       next visit, the EcoExploratorio will have moved from its present
organized symposia that featured student and faculty research.         quarters in a San Juan shopping mall to the modern building
At the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, each undergraduate          inspired by the DNA double helix, currently a 3D model in a
geology major completes two independent research projects,             display window there.
several of which were exhibited in the student poster session
of the geology department’s 31st Annual Symposium on                     What was the highlight of this GSA lecture tour? The “modern-
Caribbean Geology.                                                     day Darwins” I met along the way. These young researchers and
                                                                       students embody the promising ability and enthusiasm for
  At the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) in           geology of the young man who set off on a voyage around the
Guayaquil, Ecuador, a short course for 40 students included a day      world 200 years ago and whose careful observations and
of presentations followed by a two-day field trip to investigate       thoughtful syntheses led to scientific interpretations that continue
Holocene coastal stratigraphy and volcanic tephras. Many proudly       to evolve into the present day.
donned field vests emblazoned with the ESPOL geology logo, sold
as a fund-raiser by the student geology club. The timely impor-        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tance of this type of educational program in geologic hazards was
brought home by the occurrence of a devastating Mw7.8 earth-             The Geological Society of America Thompson International
quake that struck the same section of coastal Ecuador on 16 April      Distinguished Lecture Tours are named after the former Harvard
2016, six months after our field excursion. Similar courses            Professor James B. Thompson, Jr., whose bequest to GSA contrib-
throughout this tectonically active region are developing the next     uted to the endowment of two lecture tours. The research
generation of professionals to lead public education and prepara-      presented in this GSA International Lecture tour was supported
tions for future earthquakes.                                          by National Geographic Society Grant 8577-08 and U.S. National
                                                                       Science Foundation grants EAR-1036057 and EAR-1145170.
  The general public in Latin America is, in my experience, recep-
tive to and interested in the earth sciences. During our fieldwork        The Geological Society of America Thompson International Distinguished
in Chile, many rural residents gave detailed testimonials of their     Lecture Tours are named after the former Harvard Professor James B. Thompson,
experiences during the 1960 and 2010 tsunamis and were                 Jr., whose bequest to GSA contributed to the endowment of two lecture tours, one
intrigued by our geological investigations of those events. The        by a North American scientist to international universities and geological insti-
experiences recounted by the director of the Instituto de Geología     tutions and a parallel tour by a non–North American scientist within North
at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),                 America. The goal is to send abroad established speakers on topics at the forefront
Elena Centeno, illuminated some of the roles played by the             of research to raise GSA’s visibility within the international geoscience commu-
Institutes of Geology and Geography as societal resources for          nity and communicate the importance and relevance of the geosciences in a
solving geoscience problems. These ranged from explaining the          global context. Both tours are arranged under the guidance of GSA International
sudden disappearance of a river and local water supply into a karst    (see
sinkhole to consultation on forensic geology in legal cases.
                                                                       REFERENCES CITED
  My final stop, the EcoExploratorio science museum in Puerto
Rico, has a mission to promote the spirit of exploration in            Darwin, C., 1839, Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty’s Ships
everyone, which is resonant of the spirit of scientific curiosity            Adventure and Beagle, between the Years 1826 and 1836 Describing their
expressed in the journals of the young Charles Darwin. Here I                Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle’s
gave my presentation to an eclectic group of local citizens in               Circumnavigation of the Globe, in Three Volumes. Vol. III: Journal and
tandem with Christa von Hillebrandt, director of the Caribbean               Remarks. 1832–1836, by Charles Darwin, Esq, M.A.: London, Henry
Tsunami Warning Program, who encouraged public participation                 Colburn.

                                                                       Ely, L.L., Cisternas, M., Wesson, R.W., and Dura, T., 2014, Five centuries of
                                                                             tsunamis and land-level changes in the overlapping rupture area of the
                                                                             1960 and 2010 Chilean earthquakes: Geology, v. 42, p. 995–998, doi:

                                                                       FitzRoy, R.N., 1839, Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty’s Ships
                                                                             Adventure and Beagle, between the Years 1826 and 1836 Describing their
                                                                             Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle’s
                                                                             Circumnavigation of the Globe, in Three Volumes. Vol. II: Proceedings of
                                                                             the Second Expedition, 1831–1836 under the Command of Captain
                                                                             Robert FitzRoy, R.N.: London, Henry Colburn.

                                                                       Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Heirman, K., Fontijn, K., Strasser, M., Pino,
                                                                             M., Urrutia, R., and De Batist, M., 2014, Lacustrine turbidites as a tool for
                                                                             quantitative earthquake reconstruction: New evidence for a variable
                                                                             rupture mode in south central Chile: Journal of Geophysical Research,
                                                                             v. 119, p. 1607–1633, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010738.

                                                                       Wesson, R.L., Melnick, D., Cisternas, M., Moreno, M., and Ely, L.L., 2015,
                                                                             Vertical deformation through a complete seismic cycle at Isla Santa María,
                                                                             Chile: Nature Geoscience, v. 8, p. 547–551, doi: 10.1038/NGEO2468.

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