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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Positions Open

  INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST,                       funded, and internationally recognized research          encouraged to apply. Veterans preference. Reason-
 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES,                       program involving students and supported by              able accommodations provided. For additional
                                                          industry and government resources. We seek experts       information, see
                    SUNY GENESEO                          with skill sets that can be broadly applied to current   humanResources/5-106.html. The University of Utah
The SUNY Geneseo Department of Geological                 and future energy systems, including hydrocarbon         values candidates who have experience working in
Sciences invites applicants for a staff position as an    and renewable energies, as well as allied fields in      settings with students from diverse backgrounds,
Instructional Support Specialist. Responsibilities of     carbon science measurement and mitigation such as        and possess a strong commitment to improving
the position include operation and maintenance of         carbon capture and storage or other geo-engineered       access to higher education for students from histori-
departmental equipment (e.g. rock prep. facilities,       solutions. Candidates must have a completed Ph.D.        cally underrepresented groups.
XRF, XRD, SEM, ICP-OES, etc.), training of under-         at the time of appointment and a strong record
graduate students on use of equipment, assisting with     of research and publication. The appointee will               STRAT/SED, GIS, GEOMORPHOLOGY,
development and organization of weekly lab exer-          participate in collaborative, bridge-building efforts                    1.5 YEAR FULL TIME,
cises, assisting with field trip logistics, and curating  between GG and EGI and will have offices at both
departmental collections (rocks, maps, fossils). The      locations. More information can be found online at                    CASTLETON UNIVERSITY
successful applicant must have at least a MS degree in and                 Department of Natural Sciences: 1.5 year, full-
Geosciences or a related area at the time of appoint-                                                              time, temporary position beginning spring of 2017
ment. Required qualifications include demonstrated           To apply, upload a letter of application, curric-     teaching Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Introduc-
interest in and aptitude for teaching, demonstrated       ulum vitae, names and contact information for three      tion to GIS, Geomorphology, various introductory
ability to develop laboratory exercises using current     references, and statements of research and teaching      level courses and/or courses in the candidate’s area of
pedagogy, interest in outreach and superior organi-       interests to           interest. Requirements: Minimum Masters degree.
zational, written and oral communication abilities.       ings/52704. Review of applications will begin July       ABD or PhD preferred. Castleton places a special
Position opportunities include mentoring under-           15, 2016, but applications may be considered until       value on the teaching role of its faculty so candidates
graduate students in research and club activities,        the position is filled. Questions should be addressed    for this position will be evaluated on their potential
teaching summer courses, and collaborating with           to Cari Johnson ( and Ray          to be outstanding teachers. Application review will
faculty on research grants. Must also be able to bend     Levey (                             begin on August 15th. For a full position description,
and lift up to 40 pounds.                                                                                          including application procedures, visit http://www
                                                             The University of Utah is an Equal Opportunity/
   To apply, complete a professional application          Affirmative Action employer and educator. Minori-
at Applicants should be         ties, women, and persons with disabilities are strongly     AA/EEO Employer.
prepared to upload a cover letter that addresses
teaching and technical qualifications and a CV. In
addition, applicants should be prepared to supply
contact email address for three references. Refer-
ences will be contacted and invited to submit letters
of recommendation at the time of application.

   Review of completed applications will begin upon
receipt. To be guaranteed consideration, applica-
tions must be completed by August 15, 2016. The
anticipated appointment for this position is as early
as December 2016.

   SUNY Geneseo is an Equal Opportunity/Affir-
mative Action employer, committed to recruiting,
supporting and fostering a diverse community of
outstanding faculty, staff and students. All qualified
applicants will receive consideration for employ-
ment without regard to race, color, religion, national
origin, disability or protected veteran status. For our
full non-discrimination statement, see: http://www

       ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OR FULL                                                                                                                                          GSA TODAY |

               UNIVERSITY OF UTAH

The Department of Geology and Geophysics (GG)
and the Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI) at the
University of Utah invite applications for a posi-
tion equally split between GG and EGI, to begin Fall
Semester 2017. The position in GG will be at the
Associate Professor or Professor level with the possi-
bility of tenure at appointment; the position at EGI
will be at the level of Senior Research Scientist. The
successful candidate will bring expertise in energy
geoscience, and will develop a strong, externally

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