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It has been a year and a half since I stepped into my new            impact of their gifts to GSA’s mission, while increasing support to
        role as president of the GSA Foundation (GSAF), and          GSA programs for both annual and special campaigns. Bill brings
        during that time, our efforts have focused on exciting       relevant experience from previous roles as Director of
        areas inspired by a variety of initiatives within GSA. I am  Membership and Annual Fund with the Denver Zoological
        pleased to provide an update on the GSA Foundation staff     Foundation and in memberships with Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium
and the roles each of us play in our mission to develop and          and the Center of Science and Industry–Toledo.
provide funds to support the goals and programs of the
Geological Society of America.                                         Terry Archambeault is another new face in the Foundation.
                                                                     Before joining the team last summer, he held a database position
  As president, I continue to oversee the development goals and      with the Pontifical North American College Office of
operations of GSAF. Interfacing with GSA’s leadership to align       Institutional Advancement in Washington, D.C. Terry is helping
funding priorities remains a vital, guiding force for the            us to better streamline data management and volunteer
Foundation’s work, while heading a new fundraising initiative to     committee coordination, and he organizes some of the
propel GSA and its membership toward a strong future for the         Foundation’s donor events. Terry has a master’s of Divinity from
entire geoscience community.                                         Yale University and previously held an internship in the U.S.
                                                                     House of Representatives.
  Debbie Marcinkowski’s role has expanded to Director of
Development. While maintaining a corporate relations priority          Many of you know both of the Foundation’s longest-serving
and a reporting line to GSA’s executive director, Debbie focuses     staff members. Geni Klagstad, who began as Foundation
on overall development strategies and communications. She will       Assistant in 2007, has been GSAF’s Office Manager for nearly five
also lead increased efforts to establish foundation relationships    years. In addition to maintaining all financial transactions of
as funding sources to GSA. Debbie’s background is in corporate       GSAF, she is the liaison in transferring funds raised in support of
partnerships with the Wolf Trap Foundation for Performing            GSA programs. Jo Bell, Database Administrator, has been part of
Arts, Conservation International, and as Associate Director of       the team for 22 years. Jo maintains database records, processes all
Strategic Alliances & Global Partnerships for the Global Alliance    of your generous gifts, and makes sure that donors receive tax
for Vaccines and Immunization. Her master’s degree is in             receipts and acknowledgments. She regularly updates record
nonprofit management.                                                information, while assisting in the preparation of revenue and
                                                                     giving reports.
  Bill Tortorici joined the team this spring as Assistant Director
of Development and works primarily with individual donors. Bill        The entire team will be at GSA’s Annual Meeting in Denver, and
will focus on high-quality communication with donors, ensuring       we look forward to meeting and talking with many of you at the
that GSAF’s appreciation of all contributions is conveyed in mean-   GSAF booth.
ingful ways. His work will ensure that donors clearly see the

                                                                                                                                          GSA TODAY |

Terry Archambeault, Debbie Marcinkowski, Jack Hess, Geni Klagstad, Joan Bell, and Bill Tortorici.                                         61
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