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Did you know that GSA has a guest blog? Speaking of Speaking of Geoscience is a venue for those in the geoscience
GeoscienceTM is a platform for giving voice to GSA members and community who do not already blog frequently to share ideas and
friends in support of the Society’s global mission, including information, ask questions, and dissect issues across a broad range
informing and sharing knowledge of what geology is and what of earth-science topics, including the following:
geologists do.
Careers: Contributors help reveal some of the unique and
In its initial post (12 Aug. 2010), blog co-founder Jerry DeGraff wondrous aspects of the geoscience profession and provide career-
wrote, relevant information for students and early career professionals.
I am convinced that there is not a square centimeter Education: Contributors share educational opportunities and
of planet Earth that is not of interest to one or more experiences that illustrate what motivates and attracts people to
geologists. Not surprisingly, we are very much part of geoscience. This is also a platform for engaging in discussions
a global community. Our interests are not limited to about education policy and pedagogy.
places near to our homes or places of work. Similarly,
we should be interested in a broad range of geologic Fieldwork: Geology is a truly hands-on science, where being in
topics. Others have noted how the greater specialized the field is often an expected and enjoyable component. Speaking
knowledge needed to be an effective geologic practi- of Geoscience contributors share and discuss field experiences,
tioner tends to narrow our focus and make us less exploring new scientific concepts and unique locations.
aware of developments occurring in other parts of our
science. It is hoped that Speaking of Geoscience becomes History of Geology: As the GSA History and Philosophy of
another force in countering this tendency and engages Geology Division motto notes, “Knowing where we’ve come from
all of us in the science as a whole. It should be capable is part of knowing where we’re going.” In keeping with this senti-
of connecting us not only with those who share our ment, Speaking of Geoscience has featured “evergreen” content
particular geologic interest but also to those who find about GSA’s founders and their impact on the development of the
our particular square centimeter of Earth interesting geological sciences.
for wholly different reasons.
GSA TODAY | JULY 2016 1930 GSA president and benefactor
Bridge over the Snake River in Twin Falls, Idaho, USA. Photo by keagiles. R.A.F. Penrose.