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As the population of the United States continues to diversify,  2015 GSA-SACNAS STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD RECIPIENTS
partnerships like this one are important in encouraging students
from underrepresented groups to build personal networks within    David Ben              Ruby Patterson
their scientific and professional communities. The SACNAS
National Conference provides such opportunities for students to   Sami Chen              Ivory Paulk
interact with other students and professionals from across the
STEM disciplines who come from similar backgrounds, whereas       Edward Chew            Emily Pease
the GSA Annual Meeting is a place where students can interact
with students and professionals from across the geosciences.      Sofia de la Sota       John Ramirez
Combined, these meetings provide a unique opportunity for
student participants to network, identify mentors and build a     Sandra Hardy           Emilio Rivera II
community of support that will further enhance their academic
and career success in geoscience disciplines.                     Anibal Hernandez-Vega  Thooba Samimi

  For more information about OTF or to be a mentor, go to         Nalani Kito-Ho         Ashley Sánchez Information on
SACNAS is online at You can read about a student  Sanjin Mehic           Diamond Tachera
experience at SACNAS and GSA at https://speakingofgeoscience
.org/2016/05/02/on-to-the-future-sacnas-and-gsa/.                 Belen Molina           Hector Valencia

       “As a Native American graduate student, I am inspired to   Alex Mundo             Jazmin Villegas
    share opportunities with others, which will help increase
    representation of underrepresented groups in STEM             Megan Murphy           Karissa Vincent
    disciplines. Since going through the On To the Future
    program, I will be eager to inform my colleagues at the       Heidi Needham          Jessica Whiteaker
    University of Arizona and others about this opportunity to
    attend GSA and learn more about research and employment       Victoria Parker
    possibilities in geosciences.”

                                                                     “I attended a session exploring traditional knowledge and   GSA TODAY |
                                                                  climate at SACNAS, where I listened to Dr. Margaret Hiza
                                                                  Redsteer speak about changing climate conditions in the
                                                                  Navajo Nation using traditional knowledge and remote
                                                                  sensing techniques. At GSA, I was able to learn more about
                                                                  hydrologic changes in the Southwest U.S. when I listened to
                                                                  Dr. Brian F. Thomas speak on how to identify regional ground­
                                                                  water recharge episodes using remote sensing techniques at
                                                                  the “Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology and
                                                                  Geology” oral session. I incorporated the knowledge that I
                                                                  gained at SACNAS and GSA into my final project in my
                                                                  remote sensing class on snowpack change in the Southwest.
                                                                  Having the opportunity to speak with and be taken seriously
                                                                  by leading scientists in the field was very special.”

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