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                            Registration                                                      Organizing Committee

                               You still have time to register for GSA 2016!                  General Chair: Karen Berry
                                                                                              Technical Program Chair: Paul Baldauf
                              Register online at            Technical Program Vice-Chair: Dick Berg
                            registration throughout the meeting, or visit the onsite          Field Trip Co-Chairs: Steve Keller, Matt Morgan
                            registration desk in the Colorado Convention Center (CCC).        Education and Outreach Chair: Rick Aster
                            Space is available on some tours, ticketed events, field trips,   K–12 Education Chair: Samantha Richards
                            and short courses.                                                Student Committee: Hank Matthew Cole, Rachel Glade,
                                                                                              Jay Merrill, Annette Patton, Charles Shobe, Sean Smith
                              Badges will be available at the registration desk starting at
                            7 a.m. on Saturday, 24 Sept. Ribbons are available at the CCC
                            Information Desk during onsite registration hours. Eligible
                            attendees should inquire there.

                            GSA Section Travel Grants

                              Recipients of GSA Student Travel Grants will need to check
                            in at the Annual Meeting office (room 210/212), show identi-
                            fication, verify their address, and sign the check-in sheet to
                            receive their check. The checks will be mailed to recipients
                            after the meeting. If you do not check in, you willl not receive
                            your grant.

                            Pardee Keynote Symposia

                              These Pardee Keynote Symposia will take place Sun.–Wed., 25–28 Sept.,       Joseph T. Pardee
                            in Mile High Ballroom 2A/3A at the Colorado Convention Center. Read symposia
                            descriptions and learn more about the featured speakers and cosponsors at

                                                       GSA 2016 September

                            25 SUNDAY                  26 MONDAY                              27 TUESDAY                    28 WEDNESDAY

GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016  P1. Mastery of the         P2. When Oil and Water                 P5. The High Plains Aquifer:  P4. Geologic Evolution
                            Subsurface: The Challenge  Mix: Understanding the                 Can It be Managed for Today   of Cuba
                            to Improve Subsurface      Environmental Impacts of               and the Future?               8 a.m.–noon
                            Energy Systems             Shale Development                      8 a.m.–noon
                            1:45–5:30 p.m.             8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
                                                                                              P3. Exploring the Third
                                                                                              Zone: The Geology of Pluto,
                                                                                              Charon, and the Kuiper Belt
                                                                                              1:30–5:30 p.m.


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