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Student Information and Activities


Student Volunteers                                                       Student Downtown Deal Night

GSA student members: Get free meeting registration when you                  Mon., 26 Sept., 7 p.m.
volunteer for ten hours—plus get an insider’s view of the meeting!
Sign up online at               Join other students as they visit local pubs in downtown
volunteers and then register for the meeting as a student volun-         Denver. Some of the local pubs are offering great deals for
teer. You’ll be able to see the available jobs via the online schedule.  students wearing official wristbands. Pick up those wristbands
                                                                         and pub maps just outside the Student Volunteer Office (Room
A Night at the Denver Museum                                             206) at the Colorado Convention Center beginning on Monday at
of Nature & Science: A Reception                                         noon and ending when all the wristbands are gone. Get there early
for Students and Early Career                                            and be prepared to show ID.
                                                                         Best Student Geologic
    Sun., 25 Sept., 7–9:30 p.m.                                          Map Competition

Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Buses leave from Lobby F of               Tues., 27 Sept., 5–6:30 p.m., CCC Exhibit Hall E/F
the Colorado Convention Center at 7 p.m. and return at 9:45 p.m.
Fee: US$10.                                                              Please join us for the Best Student Geologic Mapping Competition
                                                                         Poster Session (T207). The competition will highlight student
  Enjoy an evening with your peers at the Denver Museum of               research from around the world that utilizes field mapping and
Nature & Science. Light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be            the creation of geologic maps as a major component.
available. If you didn’t register for this event in advance, please
contact GSA Sales & Service at +1-888-443-4472.

Let’s Celebrate Diversity!

On To the Future Events                                                  Diversity and On To the Future
                                                                         Alumni Reception
  GSA welcomes the new cohort of On To the Future (OTF)
award recipients. OTF supports students from underrepre-                 Tues., 27 Sept., 5:30–7 p.m., Colorado Convention Center
sented groups to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting.                  (CCC), Mile High Ballroom 1A (Open to Everyone)

OTF Welcome: Sat., 24 Sept., 4:45 p.m., CCC, Room 401                    The GSA Diversity in the Geosciences Committee invites
(Invitation Only)
                                                                         everyone to attend this reception to share ideas and celebrate
Diversity in the Geosciences: Sun., 25 Sept., CCC, Exhibit Hall,
GSA Foundation Booth (Open to Everyone)                                  diversity within the geoscience community. The 2016 OTF and

OTF Group Photo: Sun., 25 Sept., 6:15 p.m., CCC, Exhibits                Minority Scholarship Awardees will be recognized with a
Hall, GSA Foundation Booth
                                                                         special keynote from the Bromery Awardee. Appetizers and a
OTF Gatherings: Mon.–Wed., 26–28 Sept., 7:30 a.m., CCC,
Mile High Ballroom 1F (Invitation Only)
GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016                                               cash bar provided.                                           ological Society of Am

                                                                                                                                The Ge  erica®

Diversity and OTF Alumni Reception: Tues., 27 Sept., 5:30
p.m., CCC, Mile High Ballroom 1A (Open to Everyone)


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