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WORKSHOPS                                                              All-Expense-Paid Travel

  All workshops will be held on Saturday, 18 March.                    Application deadline: 3 February
1. 	 3D Printing of Terrain Models. Principal organizer: Chris           You may be eligible for a travel award to attend this meeting if

     Harding, Iowa State Univ.,                  you work full-time or care for dependents while attending school.
2. 	 Geologic Overview and Environmental Considerations in             Check the website for full eligibility guidelines and application
     Marcellus and Utica–Point Pleasant Exploration and                17NE-UrbanGrant.pdf. Questions? Contact Tahlia Bear (tbear@
     Production. Principal organizers: Jeffrey Dick, Youngstown
     State Univ.; Dan Billman,
3. 	 Ground Penetrating Radar for the Earth Sciences.                  Volunteers
     Principal organizer: Harry M. Jol, Univ. of Wisconsin,                                                     The committee and officers of GSA’s North-Central and
4. 	 An Introduction to QGIS and Geoscience Applications.              Northeastern Sections rely on student volunteers to help meetings
     Principal organizer: John G. Van Hoesen, Green Mountain           run smoothly, and we are pleased to offer student volunteers com-
     College,                                 plimentary registration for the meeting in return for ~7 hours of
                                                                       work. Contact student volunteer coordinators Jonathan Warnock
OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS, EARLY CAREER                               (NE),, or Donald Stierman (NC), donald
PROFESSIONALS, AND TEACHERS                                  , for more information.

Mentor Programs                                                        Early Career Professionals

  For more information, go to or            Early Career Professional Focus Group. Have you graduated in
contact Jennifer Nocerino at                 the last five years and are either a working professional or still
Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience.                   looking for a job? GSA would like to support you in pursuing your
Mon., 20 March. Students and early career professionals will have      professional goals. During this 45-minute session, you’ll be asked
the opportunity to discuss career prospects and challenges with        for your input regarding potential programming and activities that
applied geoscientists from various sectors over a FREE lunch.          GSA could offer to help you reach your professional goals. Tahlia
John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program. Tues.,              Bear, Diversity and Career Officer, GSA.
21 March. Students and early career professionals interested in
applied hydrogeology or hydrology as a career will have the            PAESTA—Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Earth
opportunity to network with professionals in these fields over a       Science Teachers Association
FREE lunch.                                                            • 	 Environmental Discovery Tour, Streams as Classrooms:

Geoscience Career Workshops                                                 Impacts of Mine Discharge, Stormwater Runoff and
                                                                            Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids. 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Saturday,
Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing. Your                18 March.
job-hunting process should begin with career planning, not when        • 	 Afternoon Keynote Address, Climate Research for the
you apply for jobs. This workshop will help you begin this process          Classroom, Dr. Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State Univ.
and will introduce you to informational interviewing.                       2:30–4 p.m., Saturday, 18 March.
Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration. What do geologists in           • 	 Teachers Reception and Networking Event: 4–5 p.m.,
various sectors earn? What do they do? What are the pros and                Saturday, 18 March.
cons to working in academia, government, and industry?                 • 	 Panel Discussion (workshop): Ask-a-Geologist: Teachers
Workshop presenters, and when possible, professionals in the                Ask, Experts Answer: noon–1 p.m., Sunday, 19 March.
field, will address these issues.
Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs. How do you prepare            Local Contacts
a cover letter? Does your résumé need a good edit? Whether you
are currently in the job market or not, learn how to prepare the       Northeastern Section: Patrick Burkhart,
best résumé possible. You will review numerous examples to help
you learn important résumé dos and don’ts.                             North-Central Section: Timothy Fisher,
Travel Grants
                                                                       Technical Sessions Chairs
Application Deadline: 13 February
  Find information and applications for student travel grants at       Northeastern Section: Richard Becker,
the respective section websites. Please review the eligibility guide-  North-Central Section: Wendell Barner,
lines and application procedure for your section.                                                                                                                            23
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