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Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers                           CALL FOR PAPERS

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION                                                 Abstract deadline: 21 Feb. 2017
                                                                       Submit online at
69th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain                              Abstract submission fee: US$18 for students and US$30 for
Section, GSA                                                           all others.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
9–10 June 2017                                                           For additional information, please contact the Technical                                              Program Chair, Jenni Scott,

                                                                       TECHNICAL SESSIONS

                                                                       Transition from Earthscope to EarthsCAN and the Canadian
                                                                       Cordillera Array
                                                                       T1. 	 From Earthscope to EarthsCAN and the Canadian

                                                                             Cordillera Array. Principal organizers: Dave Eaton,
                                                                             University of Calgary,; Jeff
                                                                             Freymueller, University of Alaska Fairbanks, jfreymueller@

                                                                       Cross-Border Evolution of the Rocky Mountain Region

                                                                       T2. 	 Proterozoic Evolution of Western North America.
                                                                             Principal organizer: Brian Pratt, University of Saskatchewan,

                                                                       T3. 	 The Cambrian of Western Laurentia. Principal organizer:
                                                                             Paul Johnston, Mount Royal University, pajohnston@

                                                                       T4. 	 Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the North American
                                                                             Foreland. Principal organizer: TBD; contact Jenni Scott,
                                                                             Mount Royal University,

                                                                       T5. 	 Tertiary and Quaternary Landscapes. Principle organizer:
                                                                             Robert Young, University of British Columbia, Okanagan

Mount Allan—“The Claw” Three Sisters.                                  Energy and Carbon Capture in The Rocky Mountain Region

  Join Us in the Heart of the Western                                  T6. 	 Carbon Capture and Storage. Principal organizer: Kirk
  Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the                                            Osadetz, CMC Research Institutes, Inc., kirk.osadetz@
  Gateway to the Canadian Rockies                                  

      LOCATION                                                         T7. 	 Geothermal Systems in the Thrust Belt and Adjacent
                                                                             Areas. Principal organizer: Steve Grasby, Natural
         Calgary is located in the heart of the Western Canadian             Resources Canada,
      Sedimentary Basin within sight of the Canadian Rockies. Our
      vibrant city is blessed with two of the largest urban parks in   T8. 	 Characterization of Fine-Grained Unconventional Plays.
      North America, Fish Creek Provincial Park and Nose Hill, in            Principal organizer: TBD; contact Jenni Scott, Mount Royal
      addition to the Weaselhead and Glenmore Reservoir, which are           University,
      walking distance from Mount Royal University. The technical
      program explores much of the geological time scale and is        Sedimentology, Paleontology, and Paleoecology
      intended to bridge across the North American Rocky Mountains.
      The field trips offer opportunities to explore our local UNESCO  T9. 	 Revisiting Marginal Marine Environments through the
      World Heritage sites, such as the bone beds at Dinosaur                Integration of Paleontology, Paleoecology, and Process
      Provincial Park and the Burgess Shale Trilobite beds in Yoho           Sedimentology. Principal organizer: TBD; contact Jenni
      National Park, the Royal Tyrell Museum of Palaeontology, as            Scott, Mount Royal University,
      well as the landscapes, geology, hot springs, and innovative
      carbon capture facilities of Alberta.                            Geoscience Education

                                                                       T10. 	Using the Rocky Mountains as a Natural Laboratory for
                                                                             Teaching the “What” and the “How” of Geology.
                                                                             Principal organizer: Glenn Dolpin, University of Calgary,

                                                                       Undergraduate Research

                                                                       T11. Undergraduate Research in the Geosciences (Posters).
                                                                             Principal organizer: Katherine Boggs, Mount Royal
                                                                             University,                                                                                                                 19
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