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MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,                                    whose research has significantly advanced the understanding
     AND VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV) DIVISION                                       of the Quaternary geology and geomorphology of deserts.
                                                                      • 	 Distinguished Career Award: Nominations due 1 April.                               This award is presented annually to a Quaternary geologist
Nominations due 31 March. For each of the following awards,                or geomorphologist who has demonstrated excellence in their
send materials to J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of                  contributions to science.
America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Suite 500, Chantilly, Virginia            • 	 Student Awards: Proposals due 1 February. Proposals will
20151-1110, USA; MGPV awards empha-                  be considered for the following awards by selecting
size achievements in geologic and multidisciplinary approaches.            “Quaternary geology and geomorphology” as the general
Geologic work is by nature generalistic and has an important field         field or research when submitting a GSA Graduate Student
component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. Send (1) a cover          Research Grant. QG&G administered awards include:
letter from an MGPV Division member, no longer than three                  J. Hoover Mackin Award (Ph.D. research), Arthur D.
pages, summarizing the nominee’s most important accomplish-                Howard Award (M.S. research), Marie Morisawa Award
ments in geologic approaches to mineralogy, geochemistry,                  (female M.S./Ph.D.), and Peter Birkeland Award (soil geo-
petrology, and/or volcanology. Special attention should be paid to         morphology). GSA specialty awards include the Robert K.
describing how the nominee’s published work demonstrates field-            Fahnestock Award (sediment transport or fluvial geomor-
based multidisciplinary geologic accomplishments of a ground-              phology), John Montagne Fund (Quaternary geology or
breaking nature. The letter should include the name, address, and          geomorphology), John A. Black Award (coastal processes),
contact information of the nominator as well as from whom letters          and Stanley A. Schumm Research Grant Award (fluvial
of support can be expected; (2) a curriculum vitae of the nominee          geomorphology).
and (3) three letters of support that can be either from members or
non-members of GSA or the MGPV Division.                               	 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION
• 	 The MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award will go
     to an individual who, throughout his or her career, has made     Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology:
     distinguished contributions in one or more of the following      Nominations due 1 March; send materials to Linda Kah, lckah@
     fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/, including (1) a cover letter describing the nominee’s
     or volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-       accomplishments in sedimentary geology and contributions to
     based contributions. Nominees need not be citizens or resi-      GSA, (2) a curriculum vitae, and (3) any additional supporting
     dents of the United States, and GSA membership is not            letters. Nomination materials remain active for three years. This
     required.                                                        award is given annually to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime
• 	 The MGPV Early Career Award will go to an individual              achievements best exemplify those of Larry Sloss (i.e., achieve-
     near the beginning of his or her professional career who has     ments that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary geology
     made distinguished contributions in one or more of the fol-      and service to GSA).
     lowing fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrol-
     ogy, and/or volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary,      	 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION/
     field-based contributions. Nominations are restricted to those        STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS
     who are within eight years of receiving their final degree. For       DIVISION JOINT AWARD
     example, awards decided before 31 Dec. 2016 will include all
     candidates whose final degree was awarded no earlier than 1
     Jan. 2009. Extensions of up to two years will be made for        laubach
     nominees who have taken career breaks for family reasons or      Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award:
     caused by serious illness. Nominees need not be citizens or      Nominations due 1 April. This award promotes research that
     residents of the United States, and GSA membership is not        combines structural geology and diagenesis and also curriculum
     required.                                                        development in structural diagenesis. It addresses the rapidly
                                                                      growing recognition that fracturing, cement precipitation and dis-
 	 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND                                             solution, evolving rock mechanical properties, and other struc-
     GEOMORPHOLOGY                                                    tural diagenetic processes can govern recovery of resources and
                                                                      sequestration of material in deeply buried, diagenetically altered                          and fractured sedimentary rocks. The award also highlights the
awardsoverview                                                        growing need to break down disciplinary boundaries between
• 	 Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence: Nominations             structural geology and sedimentary petrology, as exemplified by
                                                                      the work of Dr. Stephen Laubach and colleagues. Graduate stu-
     due 1 February. This award is presented to the author or         dents, postgraduates, and faculty-level researchers are eligible.
     authors of a published paper of distinction that advances the    Note that the application includes a budget page; we anticipate
     science of geomorphology or related field, such as               giving one award of US$2,500 in 2017.
     [Pleistocene] Quaternary geology, and has been published not
     more than five years prior to its selection for the award.
• 	 Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research: Nominations
     due 1 April. This award recognizes excellence in desert geo-
     morphology research worldwide. It is intended to stimulate
     research in desert environments by recognizing an individual                                                                                                               17
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