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• 	 Career Contribution Award: Nominations due 1 March;

     for more information, go to
     CareerAward.htm. This award is for an individual who,
     throughout his or her career, has made numerous distin-
     guished contributions that have clearly advanced the science
     of structural geology or tectonics. Nominees do not need to
     be U.S. citizens or residents, and GSA membership is not
     required. Nominations should include (1) name of nominee,
     present institutional affiliation and address; (2) summary
     statement of nominee’s major career contributions to the sci-
     ence of structural geology and tectonics; (3) selected key pub-
     lished works of the nominee; and (4) name and address of
• 	 Outstanding Publication Award: Nominations due 1 March;
     for more information, go to
     BestPaperAward.htm. This award is given annually for a
     published work (paper, book, or map) of exceptional distinc-
     tion that clearly advances the science of structural geology
     or tectonics. Nominations should include (1) a full citation;
     (2) nomination (as short as a paragraph; letters or reviews
     may also be included); and (3) name and address of nominator.

In Memoriam

  The Society notes with regret the deaths of the following members (notifications received between 17 August 2016 and 31 October
2016). To honor a friend or colleague with a GSA memorial, please go to to learn
how. Contact the GSA Foundation,, to make a gift in memory of a colleague, friend, or family member.

Jon P. Davidson              Wallace D. Lowry                         Carl A. Pearson
Durham, England, UK          Blacksburg, Virginia, USA                East Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
Date of death: 26 Sep. 2016  Date of death: 4 Feb. 2016               Date of death: 21 Aug. 2016

Jelle Zeilinga De Boer       William M. McKinney                      Terence T. Quirke Jr.
Haddam, Connecticut, USA     Corvallis, Oregon, USA                   Golden, Colorado, USA
Date of death: 23 Jul. 2016  Date of death: 5 May 2016                Date of death: 5 May 2016

Andrew Griscom               Philip H. Osberg                         Charles R. Stelck
Palo Alto, California, USA   Orono, Maine, USA                        Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Date of death: 21 Jun. 2015  GSA notified 3 Oct. 2016                 Date of death: 7 Oct. 2016

Wallace R. Hansen            Eldon Joseph Parizek                     Donald L. Streib
Lakewood, Colorado, USA      Shawnee Mission, Kansas, USA             Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Date of death: 21 Jun. 2016  Date of death: 11 Jun. 2016              Date of death: 1 Jan. 2016

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