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fundamental importance to understanding the history of the             which the nomination is based and describe the role of the
     geological sciences. Achievements deserving of the award               publication(s) in advancing hydrogeology or a closely related
     include, but are not limited to, publication of papers or books        discipline. Inclusion of up to three additional third-party
     that contribute new and profound insights into the history of          letters in support of the nomination is encouraged. More
     geology based on original research or a synthesis of existing          information:
     knowledge. Nominators and nominees do not have to be                   awards/meinzer.
     members of the Division or of GSA. The nomination packet          • 	 The George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award
     should include (1) a letter detailing the contributions that           will be made in recognition of distinguished personal service
     warrant the award; (2) the nominee’s current curriculum                to the hydrogeology profession and to the Hydrogeology
     vitae, including name, title, affiliation, education, degrees,         Division, based on a history of sustained creditable service.
     honors and awards, and major career events.                            The recipient must be a member of the Hydrogeology
• 	 Gerald M. and Sue T. Friedman Distinguished Service                     Division and not have previously received the award. Please
     Award: Nominations due 15 February; send materials to                  submit a letter of nomination that describes the distinguished
     Kathleen Lohff, This award is pre-                 service that warrants the nomination. Supporting letters are
     sented for exceptional service in advancing the knowledge of           helpful but not required. More information: community
     the history and philosophy of the geological sciences.       
     Nominators and nominees do not have to be members of the          • 	 The Kohout Early Career Award will be presented to a dis-
     Division or of GSA. Service to the history and philosophy of           tinguished early career scientist (35 years of age or younger
     geology may include, but is not limited to, the discovery of           throughout the year in which the award is to be presented or
     and making available rare source materials; comprehensive              within 5 years of receiving their highest degree or diploma)
     bibliographic surveys; organizing meetings and symposia on             for outstanding achievement in contributing to the hydrogeo-
     the history and philosophy of geology; and exceptional ser-            logic profession through original research and service and for
     vice to the Division. The nomination packet should include             the demonstrated potential for continued excellence through-
     (1) a letter detailing the contributions that warrant the award;       out their career. The nomination package must include (1) at
     and (2) the nominee’s current curriculum vitae including               least one letter of nomination with a description of the sig-
     name, title, affiliation, education, degrees, honors and               nificant contributions or accomplishments; (2) a copy of the
     awards, and major career events.                                       nominee’s curriculum vitae with complete bibliography;
• 	 History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award:                        and (3) at least four supporting letters. More information:
     Nominations due 15 June; send materials to Kathleen Lohff,    This award, in the amount of                  • 	 The Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer is selected
     US$1,000, recognizes excellence in a student paper to be               based on outstanding contributions to hydrogeology or a
     given at GSA’s Annual Meeting. Awards may also be given                closely related field through original research and public
     for second place. Oral presentations are preferred. Faculty            communication, as well as a potential for continued contribu-
     advisors may be listed as second author, but not as the lead           tions to the profession. To nominate, include at least one letter
     author of the paper. The proposed paper may be (1) on the              of nomination, a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and
     history or philosophy of geology; or (2) a literature review of        at least two supporting letters describing the significant con-
     ideas for a technical work or thesis/dissertation; or (3) some         tributions or accomplishments constituting the basis for the
     imaginative aspect of the history or philosophy of geology we          nomination. More information:
     have not thought of before. Students should submit an                  hydrodivision/birdsall/about2017.
     abstract of their proposed talk and a 1,500–2,000 word pro-
     spectus. The awards committee will assist the winner(s) with       	 LIMNOGEOLOGY DIVISION
     an abstract to facilitate presentation according to GSA stan-
     dards. Currently enrolled undergraduates and graduate stu-
     dents are eligible, as are students who received their degrees    The Israel C. Russell Award is given for major achievements in
     at the end of the fall or spring terms immediately preceding      limnogeology through contributions in research, teaching, and
     GSA’s annual meeting. It is open to all students regardless of    service. Nominations due 1 March. Documents in support of the
     discipline, provided the proposed paper is related to the his-    nomination, including (1) a letter describing the nominee’s accom-
     tory or philosophy of a geological idea or person.                plishments in the field of limnogeology (broadly defined and
                                                                       including limnogeology, limnology, and paleolimnology), service
 	 HYDROGEOLOGY DIVISION                                               to students and teaching, and contributions to GSA; and (2) a cur-
                                                                       riculum vitae, should be sent to David Finkelstein at finkelstein@                        Although the nominee need not be a member of the
Nominations for the following four awards are due 1 February;          Limnogeology Division or GSA, they must have made valuable
send materials to Questions           contributions to the Society. The dossiers of nominees who did
should be directed to the appropriate committee chair (commu-          not receive the award in any given year will be retained and con-                 sidered for two succeeding years; thus, nominations are valid for
• 	 The O.E. Meinzer Award recognizes the author or authors            a total of three years. Updated information for carryover candi-
                                                                       dates may be sent to the Division treasurer during the ordinary
     of a publication or body of publications that have signifi-       call for nominations.
     cantly advanced the science of hydrogeology or a closely
     related field. The nomination must cite the publication(s) on

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