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Call for Nominations

 	 ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOLOGY DIVISION                                          with engineering geology or a closely related field, and (2)
                                                                            have been published no more than five years prior to its selec-                                            tion. There are no restrictions on the publisher of the paper.
• 	 Rip Rapp Award: Nominations due 15 February; send                  • 	 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer: Nominations
                                                                            due 28 February; submit materials to Thad Wasklewicz,
     materials to George “Rip” Rapp Jr. was one     This lectureship is awarded to an
     of the founding members of this Division and generously                individual who through research or practice has made out-
     established an award fund with the GSA Foundation.                     standing contributions to the advancement of environmental
     Nominations should include a biographical sketch, a state-             and/or engineering geology. The awardee will speak on top-
     ment of outstanding achievements, and a selected bibliogra-            ics of earth processes and the consequences of human inter-
     phy of the nominee.                                                    action with these processes, or the application of geology to
• 	 Richard Hay Student Paper/Poster Award: Nominations                     environmental and/or engineering works. Learn more at
     due 20 September; send materials to       
     Richard Hay had a distinguished career in sedimentary geol-
     ogy, mineralogy, and archaeological geology. The award is in       	 GEOPHYSICS DIVISION
     the form of a travel grant for a student (undergraduate or
     graduate) presenting a paper or poster at GSA’s annual meet-
     ing. The grant is competitive and is awarded based on the         George P. Woollard Award: Nominations due 15 February;
     evaluation of the scientific merit of the research topic and the  send materials to Nick Schmerr, Please pro-
     clarity of an expanded abstract prepared by a student for pre-    vide the nominee’s name, contact information, and a short para-
     sentation in the Division’s technical session.                    graph statement on the nominee’s qualifications, including a short
• 	 Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Award: Nominations due 5                 summary of their specific work or outcomes and how these have
     March; send materials to This fund             contributed to geology. A curriculum vitae helps, but is not
     (managed by the GSA Foundation) provides research scholar-        required. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to
     ships and fellowships for graduate students in archaeology or     geology through the application of the principles and techniques
     the earth sciences. Recipients have interest in (1) achieving a   of geophysics. A highlight of the presentation is the honorary
     master’s or Ph.D. degree in earth sciences or archaeology;        George P. Woollard Technical Lecture by the recipient before the
     (2) applying earth-science methods to archaeological              award ceremony.
     research; and (3) a career in teaching and academic research.
     Monetary awards are given in support of thesis or disserta-        	 GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION
     tion research, with emphasis on field and/or laboratory work.
     The Division also invites contributions to this award fund.
 	 ENERGY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                             Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching:
                                                                       Nominations due 15 February; submit nominations online; direct                                    your questions to This award recog-
Gilbert H. Cady Award: Nominations due 28 February; send               nizes innovative and effective teaching in college-level earth sci-
materials to Brett Valentine at This award rec-       ence. Earth-science instructors and faculty members from any
ognizes outstanding contributions in the field of coal geology that    academic institution engaged in undergraduate education who
advance the science both within and outside of North America.          have been teaching full-time for 10 years or fewer are eligible
                                                                       (part-time teaching is not counted in this requirement). Both peer-
 	 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING                                       and self-nominations will be accepted. An additional travel reim-
     GEOLOGY DIVISION                                                  bursement is also available to the recipient to enable him or her to
                                                                       attend the award presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting.
• 	 E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award: Nominations due 1 February;               	 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF
                                                                            GEOLOGY DIVISION
     send materials to Dennis Staley at This
     award honors the memory of one of the founding members of
     the Division and the first chief geologist of the U.S. Army       • 	 Mary C. Rabbitt History and Philosophy of Geology
     Corps of Engineers. It recognizes the author or authors of a
     published paper of distinction that advances knowledge con-            Award: Nominations due 15 February; send materials to
     cerning principles or practice of engineering geology or of            Kathleen Lohff, This award recog-
     related fields, such as applied soil or rock mechanics, where          nizes an individual’s exceptional scholarly contributions of
     the role of geology is emphasized. The paper must (1) deal                                                                                                                  15
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