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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    chian orogenic belt are desirable. The successful     geodesy applied to understanding the structure
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    candidate is expected to assist in the development    and dynamics of the lithosphere.
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   of a summer geology field course. Candidates, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  must have earned a doctoral degree at the time           As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences,
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       of appointment.                                       the Department of Geological Sciences has over
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                                                                         50 faculty and a community of research staff with
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                         Primary teaching duties include courses in tec-    a broad range of specialization and access to out-
		                                             Per line each    tonics and structural geology, applied geophysics     standing research facilities and support.
                                                                and field methods. We seek a candidate who is able
	                           Per Line for	      addt’l month     to provide outstanding classroom, laboratory, and        Applicants should submit a letter of applica-
                                                                in-field instruction and who is amenable to teach     tion, curriculum vitae, statements of research and
Classification	             1st month	         (same ad)        courses outside of their specialty area such as       teaching interests, and contact information for at
                                                                hydrogeology, paleontology and energy resources.      least three references. Submit electronic copies
Positions Open	             $ 9.25	            $9.00            The successful applicant will be expected to          of these materials online at http://apply.interfolio.
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.25	            $9.00            develop a research program that involves under-       com/39559. For questions related to the search,
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	            $5.00            graduate students and to pursue external research     please contact Review of
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	            $5.00            funding.                                              applications will begin January 10, 2017, and con-
  Additional lines	                                                                                                   tinue until the position is filled.
                                                                   Wilkes University is an independent, compre-
Positions Open                                                  hensive university dedicated to academic excel-          The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal
                                                                lence in the liberal arts, sciences, and selected     Opportunity Employer with a commitment to
             BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                 professional programs. The University has approx-     diversity at all levels.
  GEOLOGY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST                                imately 2300 students at the undergraduate level
Geology in the Public Interest (GPI), a 501c3 non-              and over 2,000 full time equivalent students at the             ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN
profit in the Seattle area, announces a search to               graduate and first professional levels. Its institu-     HYDROLOGIC AND WATER SCIENCE
fill a vacancy on its Board of Directors. This is an            tional focus is on developing strong mentoring        THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN
unpaid volunteer position that requires knowledge               relationships with each of its students and contrib-  The Department of Geological Sciences in the
of geoscience and a desire to fulfill the mission of            uting vitally to economic development of North-       Jackson School of Geosciences at The University
GPI ( Special attention              eastern Pennsylvania. The University is located in    of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a tenure-track
will be given to those familiar with fundraising                Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a revitalized city that   Assistant Professor in Hydrologic and Water Sci-
and who can assist with enhancing individual and                is located on the scenic Susquehanna River and is     ence. We seek candidates at the forefront of their
corporate contributions, and grant funding. Direc-              within two and one-half hours driving distance of     science and who have interdisciplinary research
tors serve a term of two years unless extended.                 New York City and Philadelphia.                       and teaching interests. This search covers a wide
Residence in western Washington is not manda-                                                                         range of disciplines related to water. Candidates
tory; some participation via conference call is                    To apply, visit and click “Jobs     interested in chemical, physical, and ecological
expected. If interested, please email gwessel@                  at Wilkes.” Please include a cover letter, curricu-   processes and water resource sustainability, are We will reply with a short ques-             lum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, and      encouraged to apply
tionnaire regarding your interests and capabilities.            contact information for three references. Review         As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences,
A complete application will include your response               of applications begins February 1, 2017, and will     the Department of Geological Sciences has over
to the questionnaire and a copy of your résumé                  continue until the position is filled. Information    50 faculty and a community of research staff with
or C.V. Deadline for complete applications is                   on the Department is at        a broad range of specialization and access to out-
February 15, 2017. Gregory R. Wessel, President                 academics/colleges/science-and-engineering/           standing research facilities and support.
and Board Chairman.                                             environmental-engineering-earth-sciences/.               Applicants should submit a letter of applica-
                                                                                                                      tion, curriculum vitae, statements of research and
            ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                    Wilkes University is constantly seeking to         teaching interests, and contact information for at
           STRUCTURE/TECTONICS                                  become a more diverse community and to enhance        least three references. Submit electronic copies of
                                                                its capacity to value and capitalize on the cultural  these materials online at https://apply.interfolio.
              WILKES UNIVERSITY                                 richness that diversity brings. The University        com/39541. For questions related to the search,
Wilkes University invites applicants for a tenure-              strongly encourages applications from persons         please contact Review of
track Assistant Professor of Geology in the                     with diverse backgrounds.                             applications will begin January 6, 2017, and continue
Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences                                                                          until the position is filled.
Department starting August 2017. The Environ-                             TENURE-TRACK FACULTY                           The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal
mental Engineering and Earth Sciences programs,                           LITHOSPHERE DYNAMICS                        Opportunity Employer with a commitment to
including Geology, are exclusively undergraduate                THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN                     diversity at all levels.
programs that have a long tradition of personalized             The Department of Geological Sciences in the
learning/teaching experiences with small class                  Jackson School of Geosciences at The University             UNCONVENTIONAL RESOURCE
sizes, publishable undergraduate research, and                  of Texas at Austin is seeking a dynamic faculty         PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE POSITION
hands-on projects throughout the curriculum. The                member at the tenure-track Assistant Professor
successful applicant would be expected to comple-               level in the broad field of Lithosphere Dynamics.             BERG-HUGHES CENTER AND
ment the science and engineering faculty (8 full-               We seek a researcher-educator who will comple-                 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY
time members) and value undergraduate research.                 ment existing strengths in tectonics and structural
                                                                geology, petrology and geochemistry, and geo-                          AND GEOPHYSICS
   The Department seeks a candidate with exper-                 physics. Individuals who bridge any or all of these              TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY
tise in tectonics/structural geology, teaching                  disciplines are encouraged to apply. Specific areas   The Berg-Hughes Center (BHC) for Sedimentary
experience at the undergraduate level in these and              of interest include (but are not limited to): igne-   and Petroleum Systems and the Department of
related areas, experience mentoring undergraduate               ous and metamorphic processes in Earth’s crust        Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M Univer-
level students in research, an ability to work with             and lithospheric mantle; active tectonics and the     sity invite applications from individuals for a non
an interdisciplinary team of faculty and a desire               interplay between surface processes, tectonics,       tenure-track, three-year renewable contract posi-
to assist the Department in delivering a mod-                   and climate; experimental rock mechanics and its      tion as a Professor of Practice in Unconventional
ern undergraduate geology major. Teaching and/                  extrapolation to transient and long-term crustal      Resources beginning as early as January 1, 2017.
or research experience that bridges environmental               and mantle deformation; and seismology and            This position will be a joint appointment with
science, energy resources, or a closely related field                                                                 teaching, research and service responsibilities
will be considered favorably. Field-based research                                                                    in the Berg-Hughes Center and Department of
and an interest in the North American Appala-

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